Chapter Fourteen

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You've been manipulated and abused all your life with stronger, more powerful people dictating your every move, so sitting across the room from a few avengers, the director of SHIELD and the agent who you spared while you were coming down from your medication wasn't your ideal Saturday afternoon, but it definitely wasn't your worst.

Even if you were hooked up to a lie detector test at the moment.

"I'm not Hydra," You insisted with your eyebrows pulled, fiddling with your fingers under the table, "I told you that already."

"This is for official records," Captain Rogers chimed in, "Just answer the questions – preferably with a yes or no if you can."

It was him, Stark, Fury, Hill, and Doctor Banner sitting in that order at a wide table with a massive space between them and your smaller table. Your wrists were cuffed with some nanotech type of handcuffs Stark supplied, but you still had one of the pulse monitor things on your finger.

"Why don't we start with an easier one," Fury offered, frowning, "State your name."

"Y/n Keller."

"Okay," He nodded after examining the machine on their table that hooked to the shit on yours, "Now, how many people have you killed?"

Tap, "I don't know."


"I thought it was mostly yes or no answers," You shot back defensively, glaring at Steve, "Or was I wrong?"

"Is it more than fifty?" Tony tried and you turned towards him.

Tap, "I don't know. Maybe."

"Alright," Fury sigh in frustration, taking over again, "How many years were you under the care of this...Butcher and the other one you called your caretaker.

"Um," You thought back, "Caretaker adopted me the day I was born, illegally, and I was under his supervision and guidance until I was nineteen, but I..." Tap, "I never saw him after that."

"And The Butcher?" He pressed and you swallowed thickly.

Tap, "Just until I was fourteen, she would come around."

"You lived in Ohio until you were nineteen, correct?"

"Correct." You confirmed and then you looked to the doctor who gave you a comforting, but firmly encouraging smile. You were doing well despite Hill, Rogers, and Fury making you doubt yourself with their expressions and demeanors. Stark just seemed bored. Relatable to an extent.

"And you stated," Fury continued as the others stayed quiet, more so witnesses so he wouldn't have to relay this to them, and you wondered why Natasha had been excluded, "You lived beyond the forest across from where Natasha Romanoff, Yelena Belova, Melina Vostokoff, and Alexei Shostakov resided?"


Fury nodded at your response and then looked to the doctor. You knew where this was going.

"After a series of tests," Bruce cleared his throat, "We're come to a few conclusions..."

Tony smirked, "Yeah, that we've found someone worse than the Manchurian Candidate." And Steve elbowed him hard for it, sending him a death glare.

"First of all," Bruce continued, ignoring them, "You were given experimental drugs that evolved over time that essentially turned you into a machine, not physically, but your brain waves would nearly shut down in a way that you'd have little to no memory of your attacks and you would have a one track mind when it came to the assassinations you were assigned," He took a deep breath, "Another thing is that the electricity and heat in your body is beyond levels of any mammal, or possibly, machine could function within. Levels we can't even detect," He eyed you with concern, "It's why you can send channels through the air, blacking out anything connected to an electric power source like you had in the med bay...and how you can stop other people's brain activity or hearts completely. Bringing them to an instant death. Like you've done before."

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