Chapter Nineteen

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"We should go on a date."

You were feeling bold, snuggled up with Natasha on the couch in the living room of the tower where you two spent time after reuniting. It helped that you had your head on her chest, not having to face her curiously intimidating green eyes at the moment, but hey, baby steps.

"Right now?" She mused, clearly smiling while playing with your hair, and you hummed when she kissed the top of your head before continuing, "We just went on one this morning. And doesn't this count?" Your cheeks were growing warm at her blatantly saying these things, your lips parting a little in shock because – what, "Movie nights in are my favorite dates of ours."

"Wait," You had to make sure you didn't just imagine that, sitting up to face her as you squeezed your eyes shut for a moment with the head rush, and then, "What do you mean?"

She seemed amused, "We've been dating."


She chuckled, reaching for you, "You and me."

You furrowed your eyebrows, letting her get grabby, "Since, uh, when?™"

She shrugged nonchalantly, not fazed by your reaction, "For about a month now."

"And how was I supposed to know about this – wait, you actually want to date me?" You were a mess, "A month?? Wait," You paused, narrowing your eyes on the smug redhead as she tried not to laugh, "Why haven't we slept together then?"

She smirked, her arm around the back of the couch, but you had goose pimples running up your arm as she rubbed the edge of your sleeve between her fingers, "Didn't realize you were so eager for it, darling."

You scrunched up your nose, trying to stop your inevitable blush, and she cocked an eyebrow, waiting for a response.

You opened your mouth to respond, but that's when Tony decided to barge in with, "Hey, can I borrow her?"

Natasha slowly, obviously annoyed as she frowned, blinked over to Tony, and she narrowed her eyes on the billionaire before asking, "For what?"

"Really, Romanoff?" He snapped back lightheartedly, popping his hip out a little as he put his hands on them before using one hand to vaguely gesture towards you, "You're going to keep the nuke all to yourself? Gatekeeping her, are we?"

Natasha opened her mouth to bite back, but then you were shrugging, looking at her, "He's right. It would be a bit selfish of you to do that."

Stark raised his eyebrows in surprise and they both gaped at you.

"He called you a nuke." She deadpanned and you sighed.

"It's how he shows love."

"She's not wrong." He told the assassin when she flicked her attention over to him skeptically.

"Fine," She huffed in annoyance, and you leaned over to kiss her cheek, a smile curling at her lips until she made eye contact with Tony as you both moved to get up, quickly dropping her smile to scowl at him instead as he wiggled his eyebrows, "If she comes back and I find out you did something, Tony, you're dead."

"Hot." You muttered lowly as Tony made a loud, dramatic noise of offense, hand to his chest and everything.

You could tell she wanted to come with you, but you also knew she was a bit overprotective, and you didn't know what the billionaire had in store for you, so you just waved and walked away, hoping you could make it up to her later.

And you guys are dating now?? That's still making your head fuzzy.

"So, you and Romanoff..." He trailed off suggestively as you stood side by side on the elevator and you rolled your eyes with a smile, shaking your head, "What? You two always look so...cozy."

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