Chapter Twenty-Three

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You leaned against the opened doorway to the room, watching with a soft smile across your face as your assassin reached out blindly in her sleep for you. Your lips twitching down when she frowned, eyes still closed, and then huffed cutely when she didn't find you. The sun was just peeking through the curtains, casting her in a lightly golden hue that, if you had been close enough, would highlight the dusting of freckles that painted her nose and cheeks. But you continued to watch her clutch at your pillow and take a deep breath as if to inhale the last scent of you that was left behind. Her breathing was no longer as steady, making you shake your head in amusement.

You smirked, whispering, "I know you're awake."

"Mmph," She gave you a fraction of a shrug and you smiled fondly, biting your lip to hold in a laugh, as she sassed, "So?"

You pushed away from the now closed door and strolled slowly over to the side of the bed as she sprawled out, "Gonna let me join you then?"

"Where'd you go before?" She asked back, but made room for you anyways, rolling onto her side so she could spoon you, and you smiled to yourself as she wrapped around you like a koala.

You kissed along her arm until you reached her wrist and she hummed against your shoulder before kissing the back of your neck lightly as you nuzzled her pulse point.

"Not far," You were still whispering, not wanting to break the unspoken spell that fell across the room in the early morning light, "Just to the lab."

She tensed, "Are you okay?"

"I think..." You trailed off, smiling to yourself again as you snuggled back further against her and she easily tightened her hold, silently giving you all the safety she could offer, surrounding you in everything that was Natasha Romanoff, "I think I want a house. With a fence. Maybe a dog or two."

A warmth flooded through you with the confession, your brain to mouth filter off before the world was really awake, and you let out a soft, relieved sigh when she didn't pull away. Maybe Tony was right, maybe that one percent out there for everyone can be your world and burn brighter than any of the darkness that you've experienced or will come across in your lifetime. And maybe after all the dark you've been through, you deserve some sun. You deserve the warmth and safety and good things that this place has to offer.

"Yeah?" She mused airily, but you could hear the curiosity and something else lacing her tone, "What else?"

"I don't know," You told her honestly, furrowing your eyebrows with a small frown, thinking harder for a moment, "Haven't thought much further," You were both quiet for a long moment before you whispered, almost inaudibly with tears springing to your eyes, a ghost of a smile crossing your lips, "I don't want to be alone though. Want..."

She kissed along the junction of your neck and shoulder, "What?" She whispered back, "What do you want, sunshine? You can have anything. I'll give you everything," Her voice was low and serious with the raspy edge of sleep lacing it, "I promise."

You pressed your lips firmly together and she hummed, kissing down your spine with her arms still wrapped around you. You lost your shirt sometime between standing next to the bed and curling up beside her, but you couldn't bother to recall the exact moment, just letting your eyes slowly blink closed as you enjoyed her warm skin against yours. Her heart beat a steady rhythm, convincing enough to have you turning around in her hold and snuggle under her chin, pressing your ear to her chest so you could let it lull you back to sleep. It probably wasn't seven yet, but all time seemed to halt when it was just you two and you pressed your hand just above her heart after kissing the skin there, whispering a low, "You," before letting sleep take you again. Missing her stuttered breath, her heart fluttering behind her ribs, and the smile brightening up the room more than the sun ever could.

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