Chapter Thirteen

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"I can't believe you're alive," She hugged you with a wide grin on her face, "When Natasha told me, I wrapped up what I was doing in Japan and got here as soon as I could," When she pulled away, you saw Natasha to her side, retracting her hand like she had been tapping her sister's shoulder or pulling on her arm. The blonde looked confused for a moment before she subtly looked between you, a cheeky smirk on her lips as she muttered, "Guess nothing's changed much, then."

"I'm so happy you're here," You gushed, not having caught it, "And you look so good! Ash told me all about what you've gone through and..." You trailed off with a mixture of horror and pride in your expression as you shook your head in disbelief.

"Is she joking?" Yelena pointed to you while looking to her sister, "What we've gone through? Sorry, love," She chuckled, looking back to you, "But from what I've heard, you've been to hell and back – multiple times. Tortured since a little baby? I was a girl when they took me but at least I had the memories with you, Natasha, and my parents."

"It's okay," You waved it off, glancing over at Natasha who was frowning with her arms crossed, watching you both, "I'm okay."

"I forgot you used to call her Ash!" Yelena suddenly laughed loudly, breaking the darker moment, "That's adorable – I remember you had such a crush on my big sister, you two would follow each other around like lost puppies," She had a cheeky smile when she teased, "Don't still have one, do you?"

Your cheeks grew hot, and you were shaking your head, "I – I didn't – no. Wasn't me."

"Yelena," Natasha hissed, scolding her, "She was five."

Yelena just shrugged, giving you a brief once over, "All grown up now, though."

"Here, lemme show you my room," You insisted, pulling her from out of the hallway where you met her halfway to the elevator – too excited to see your old friend and happy she felt the same, "I wanna hear about all your adventures and! Have you seen the room Natasha fixed up for me? I feel like a queen in a castle. It's so beautiful," You caught Natasha's eye, a smirk tugging at her lips, and you could tell by her eyes that she was refraining from making a comment, "What? It is! What're you thinking? I can tell when you wanna say something."

"Nothing, sunshine, just love seeing you smile." She muttered lowly so Yelena wouldn't hear her as the blonde trotted ahead to check out the space.

"Enough plants, Keller?" Lena teased and you hummed, looking around in awe like you were seeing it for the first time too, "This is great – can't say Natasha put as much thought into mine, it's mostly just the bed and desk. No bookcase. Or greenery. Quite rude of my sister."

"I didn't know what books you'd like, anyway." Natasha rolled her eyes and you beamed at them both, standing in the middle of your own room, starting to bicker, and you felt like you had actual friends.

"Oh, but you knew what books she'd like?" Yelena huffed, obviously not truly offended, "You knew her for barely a year when we were kids! Real intuitive when you want to be, Natalia."

You could tell how she said the name that she was taunting her with it, but you loved it. She'd always be Ash to you since you were kids, but there was something so grown up about Natasha and Natalia.

"Intuitive? Big word for you." Natasha shot back and Yelena scowled at her halfheartedly.

"We could watch a movie," You offered, and they looked to you, Natasha's expression softening immediately, and when Yelena noticed her sister's face, she smirked, "Or something," And then you embarrassingly mumbled, "I don't think I'm allowed to leave the tower."

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