Chapter Twenty-One

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"It's a good thing one of us remembers to work out."

You felt her laugh vibrate in her chest against yours before you heard it, smiling as you continued kissing her neck and giving her a few lovebites, as she carried you back to her room.

You liked her room, it smelt like her and while she didn't put as much work into it as she did with yours, it was still very Natasha. She was actually, surprisingly, a bit messy. A few empty beer bottles on the desk, papers tossed next to them haphazardly, bed unmade, a dirty pair of combat boots at the end of it. She was also always behind on laundry, her hamper stuffed while there were a few pieces on the floor and her desk chair.

It wasn't crazy, but it made you smile because with how she grew up, you'd guess she was a neat freak with a professionally tucked bed. But right now, you're just hoping that's the only thing you're about to see untucked. Real ones get it. A dick. You're hoping she's not hiding a dick.

She gracefully threw you back onto the bed and you chuckled breathlessly as she turned to close and lock the door, but then you were in front of her when she turned around, shoving her against the wall with your hands on her hips, grabbing at the bottom of her shirt as you licked into her mouth. She let out a loud moan and arched her back into you so you could help her out of her top. She smirked, grabbing the back of your neck to pull you in for another kiss, working on your trousers as you sucked on her tongue.

She backed you up into the middle of the room, still kissing you, until you spun her around so that she fell back on the bed with just her dark jeans and black lace bra on.

"Fuck, I love lace," You muttered to yourself as you leaned over to cover her with your body and you kissed her deeply before peeling her jeans off, kissing down her chest as you went, "On me, on you – I love it. So sexy."

"You sure you want this?" She asked as you kissed her thighs, only breaking away to get out of your own clothes now and then, but you could tell between her pants that she was going to be too worked up in a minute to care much about anything else if you didn't tell her now.

"Uh, yeah," You scoffed, faux offended, and she chuckled, shaking her head, but then you were moving to climb on top of her again, so she grabbed the sides of your face and pulled you into a kiss, "What about you?" You asked in between kisses as the hand you weren't using to support your weight slid to her bare waist, cupping it at the dip, and when she only hummed in agreement, too busy focusing on the kissing, you slotted your thigh between your legs, pressing against her, which pulled a surprised moan out of your assassin, "Gonna have to speak up, babe, didn't quite catch that."
"Oh, fuck," She moaned, her head spinning a little, and you could feel her wetness against your bare thigh as she mindlessly rutted against you, desperate for some friction, "Yes – just, please, come on, been waiting a month."

You huffed as she started kissing down your neck, biting playfully at your tender skin, "Well, shit, whose fault is that? If I had – fuck – known," You continued as she got rid of your guys' bras quickly, not wanting to take this too slow anymore, "I would've easily fucked you after the second date."

"Really?" She mused, guiding your hand down her middle, and you swallowed thickly as you both struggled for control, feeling her abs, but then you felt how wet and desperate she was for you a second after that, "Do you really think I could've waited until the second date if I knew you were into me like that?"
You buried your face into her neck, immediately pressing two fingers in and she just took you without even a speck of resistance, making your head fuzzy, "Fuck, have you seen yourself, Agent Romanoff?"
She smirked, rolling her hips so that she could take you deeper with a better rhythm that had her throwing her head back against the pillow with a low groan, and you latched your mouth to her chest, sucking and nibbling at her nipples until the sensitive skin pebbled under your tongue. Pressing into her, curving your fingers just right, and feeling her hug you close as she unraveled around your fingers, falling apart underneath you, was something you could never describe. It was such a beautiful sight to feel and see her like this, completely vulnerable and trusting and pretty and desperate and so, so very hot.

She whimpered, balling the sheet in her fist while her other hand gripped the back of your neck, pulling you down for a hard kiss as she moaned desperately into your mouth, her skin hot and her temples beaded with a little sweat as you continued working her over relentlessly. Her nails dug into your back a few moments later, her bottom lip tugged harshly between her teeth, her eyebrows pulled together, and her eyes squeezed shut as you rubbed circles around her clit, forcing her over the edge as she clenched around your fingers with a loud moan of your name.

And Natasha Romanoff lost herself in everything that was you.

You kissed over her chest, neck, and finally her face with soft, gentle kisses anywhere you could reach that contradicted the hard and fast way you coaxed an orgasm out of her, but she only hummed appreciatively as you caressed her thighs and hips with your hands, whispering praises into the kisses you left on the assassin's heated skin.

You kissed her lips once, twice, her eyes still closed as you searched her face when you told her to, "Look at me."

She slowly blinked open her glazed over eyes, her expression laxed as she hummed again, a lazy smile curling at her lips as she ran her fingers lightly over your back and you smirked, taking that action as a silent apology to the angry red marks she surely left earlier.

But then you were locking eyes with her, yours dangerously dark as you pressed your fingers into your own mouth and her lips parted in shock as you tasted every last drop she had given you just before.

"Fuck." She whispered, barely audible, and you let out a soft moan at the taste.

You kissed her, dirty and deep, letting her taste herself on your tongue, and she moaned into it, pressing closer before you pinned her hips to the mattress, pulling back to speak.

"Not done just yet, babe," You didn't miss the curious look she gave you, but it was laced with confusion – not about what you meant, something else entirely, "Wanna taste you properly."

You didn't wait for a response before you took her wrists in your hands and put them together above her head on the pillow, squeezing three times so she'd take the hint and keep them there. Then you were leaving open mouth kisses down her chest and middle, leaving a lovebite on the tender spot where her thigh met her center, and the second you heard that filthy moan come out of your redhead, you weren't wasting anymore time.

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