Chapter Sixxxteen

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"Look me in my eyes," His slow drawl was dripping with menace, "And tell me you'll be saved," A ghost of a knowing smirk crossing his lips as you struggling against the restraints to no avail and your tears stained the edge of the leather strap in your mouth, "You can't," He shrugged, dragging a dirty blade down the side of your cheek, "You think I'm the violence – I'm the sickness? No, no, my little one," He tutted before, "I'm trying to cure the world of all its evil and then when we're done, you'll be the one accepting the punishment. Because your life is meaningless if you can't benefit science. You're nothing but an animal."

Your eyes darted to the deep sink of ice water that The Butcher, Brenda, had been filling and you narrowed your eyes at her, trying desperately to use your powers. To stop her heart, fuck up her brain, or something, anything to make this end. You tried the electricity in the house before, but you knew deep down it was a lost cause. The house is literally built around your abilities and can be manipulated into strengthening or weakening them. No in between.

He had tied your wrists together tight behind your back, a strap around your head to muzzle you, and another around your thighs so you couldn't run.

He then dragged you out of the chair with a tight grip in your hair where The Butcher had spent the last hour digging into you with every tool at her disposal, leaving you to bleed. She was an expert dickbag in this craft, she knew how to bring the most pain with maximum blood loss but keeping you from bleeding out to death.

Then he dragged you across the floor over to the wide, metal sink that was low enough to the ground where you could be forced onto your knees while you leaned over it.

You stared into the clear water that had massive amounts of ice floating around and you took a deep breath, focusing on your air intake, but also trying to calm your mind. Your body was on fire, your brain swimming in temperatures that no human or godly being could withstand, and you knew every dunk into this ice water would dissipate that heat. But the high temperatures were like a beacon, and you needed that. Dawn broke hours ago, so you just hoped with everything you had that there was a couple of people out there that were already looking for you.

He gripped your hair near the roots, making you wince as he pulled your head back to be able to speak into your ear.

"You're so weak," He seethed, "You lack basic intelligence," He paused, practically drooling like pennywise with disgust for the experiment that had failed him, and you did your best to channel the pain into fueling your power, into getting just the smallest message out to someone you hoped wouldn't hesitate – someone who wouldn't put too much heart into the mission, someone who knew what had to be done to save countless, "And I've had to force you into silence," He was furious, your calm nature only proving to piss him off further, "You're a disgrace, my child! And now I'll have to end your life and start again with another – you might hold something that no one else ever will, but there's plenty of children in the world that can be broken and molded into my vision. No matter how many I have to kill to find one more obedient than you."

You barely had time to gasp for air before he plunged your head under the water, holding you down well after your lungs could take it, and you focused as hard as you could, even when you were on the brink of passing out. Then, he'd pull you up, leaving you gasping for air on the edge of falling into the darkness.


"Don't touch that," Natasha scolded the billionaire as they piloted one of his enhanced helicopters, floating above the forest's field in Ohio, flying above the line between your and Natasha's old houses, "You're going to get us killed."

"Haven't used this one in a while," He shrugged, answering absentmindedly, "Still getting to know her."

She frowned, glaring at him, "Do you ever filter what comes out of that mouth anymore?"

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