Chapter 19

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Niall's POV

I don't know what kind of hold that nerd has on my boy Louis, but I cannot believe we're knocking on his front door like this. Harry was right next to him, Zayn and Liam behind both of them and I was all the way in the back. Being here felt weird and just waiting for the door to open took ages.

"Lou let's just go home." Harry said.

"No I'll break in if I have to." I shook my head at Louis words and after ringing the doorbell one last time the door finally opened.

I looked down at my phone. No messages from SLP yet. He's been distant ever since the party and I quite frankly am getting tired of this push and pull game. But every time I'm about to give up he always does something to reel me back in again.

We'll see for now, I'll just wait for the time being.

I looked up from my phone after mindlessly scrolling around, my friends were still frozen in place. I tilted my head up, the door was open so why haven't we gone in yet?

"It must be my lucky day, to have so many handsome men come knocking on my door. Come in, come in. Don't be shy, I won't bite too hard." The voice sounded like a high pitched man's. You know, the ones who sound obviously gay? But it's not like my friends to get uncomfortable over a gay man.

So the nerd's dad is gay, who cares? Can we go inside now?

As if Louis heard me he cleared his throat before taking a step in. The boys walked into the house cautiously. Liam turned his head, sending me a shocked look my way before turning his head back and going back to normal.

The air is tense right now and I really don't get why.

"Um is uh- is Ryan," Louis cleared his throat again, "Does Ryan Harley live here, sir?- I mean ma'am?" I finally glance a peak at Ryan's dad and oh. Yeah now I get the awkward air in the room.

Ryan's dad was a sissy and a slutty one at the. He wore a black lacy garter belt with lace underwear to match, it was barely covering his groin. The man's hair was long and he had dark red lipstick on, long eyelashes, and a mole on the side of his right cheek that I didn't know if it was real or put on with makeup.

Yeah my bad, I thought they were just being homophobic.

"Oh my are you Ryan's friends from school?," He started gushing once he started talking about his son.

"He talks so much about you guys, oh my cute baby isn't here right now. He's out doing a couple errands for his mommy." The sissy pointed at himself, my jaw slacked.

"But he should be back soon, want to stay over for dinner?"


I'm at a lost for words. Honestly.

"No thank you, we're not really hungry at the moment." Harry said.

The sissy man approached Harry - of course he did - and placed his hands to roam around Harry's chest. Harry stiffened up.

"Well if you boys aren't hungry maybe we can find other ways to pass the time, hmm?" Harry looked at Louis for help and I was just trying to stand as quietly as possible behind Zayn and Liam, away from Ryan's dad's view.

"Um actually Ryan's current helping me with a project for school and he said I could borrow some of his notes." Louis lied easily. The man slowly dropped his hands from Harry's chest and I could see that Harry instantly relaxed.

"He said they should be in the desk drawer in his room." Louis continued, "Could I by chance go up and get them?" The sissy man bought Louis' story and nodded their head.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03 ⏰

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