Chapter 10

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(A/N: There is a picture halfway through)

The next day came and I had basically everything planned out. From what was going to happen today, till the very end.

Hopefully Niall won't be too angry. Or maybe he should be. Angry sex is best sex.

Not that I've had sex, but it sounds nice. I roll my eyes at my own thoughts as I headed towards a happy Niall and friends.

"You seem excited." Liam said.

"Course, I'm getting laid tonight." My nose crinkles as I shake my head walking by them.

Maybe I should text Daddy some more.

"Oi- Ryan!" I turned around and saw Louis gesture me to come over. As I slowly walked back, I thought this was both a good and bad thing.

Good because Irish Daddy was there, but bad because Louis only calls me over during the day for tutoring etc.

"Yes Mr. Louis?" I looked up at him glancing towards the others.

"Where's my homework?" Now? I never give Louis' homework now. He never even asks for his homework this early.

"I h-haven't done it yet-

"Tsk. Guess you're gonna have to spend the day with me then." Why? Will Niall be with us? He's so weird I swear. I sigh looking down and nod.

"Okay, Mr. Louis." At least he's good practice for the real thing. I looked at Niall for a split second. When we're finally together I'll be an obedient little sissy boy daddy.

"Why'd you have to go and make him stay with us?" I look down some more, feeling tense. All this bickering today it feels weird like somethings off.

I know, I know. Nothing is, they don't even know it's me but it feels... like somethings changing. Ugh- I don't know.

"Piss off Harry if I want nerd boy around for homework he stays. Anyone else have a problem?" Liam pats Harry's shoulder and I bite the inside of my cheek.

"Mate it's whatever we'll pretend he isn't even there." Liam says and Harry rolls his eyes but calms down after a little glare thrown my way.

He's lucky he's also Daddy material.


"Could we focus on important things. Like I'm meeting him today, should I stop the search for phones or should we continue it?" They all look at Niall and I stand there awkwardly.

Don't we have class right now...? Shouldn't we go to it?

I mean, I like skipping as much as the next sissy but there's nothing really entertaining me here besides Niall's concentrated face.

Which is making me a little bit more than just wet.

"We don't know Niall. Just text him or something." As Louis finished his sentence I pressed my lips together. I feel so out of place.

Niall went to type but Liam stopped him.

"We could do that on the way to class. Come on we're like thirty minutes late." I stayed behind as they walked away and my phone rang.

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