Chapter 1

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I stared at him from afar. His dyed blonde hair, his natural brown roots, his baby blue eyes, his nice pale skin, his semi-ripped (not too buff not too scrawny) biceps etc.

Yes, you've guessed it. I'm in love with him. Who is "him", you ask?

Niall Horan. The Irish King 's what people like to call him around here.

And the reason why is pretty self explanatory. But I'll explain it anyway. It's because he's Irish and really popular.

You see those three boys who are sitting with him?

That's Liam Payne, Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. Those are Niall's friends or "mates", is what he calls them. I'm guessing that's just another way to say close friends or something.

I wouldn't know since I'm not British nor am I Irish. I'm American, but that's not really important.

There used to be a fourth friend named Zayn Malik, but apparently he had a fight with the guy named Louis and well...
He just transferred schools. No real reason behind it he just did. Weird I know, but that's apparently what happened.

I snapped out of my daze and looked at my watch while I readjusted my glasses. It was almost the end of lunch so I had to make this quick. I stood up shyly and made my way over to their table.

"I'm just kind of bummed out, you know?"

"Have you tried hooking up with anyone? That always makes me feel better."

"Harry, no ones catching Niall's attention. And you know Niall. He's always so picky with the people he sleeps with."

"Um M-Mr. Louis?" I say after I'm close enough for them to hear me.

I shouldn't freak out because of him being right there.

If I would just turn my head to the left I'd see him perfectly.

But then he'd know I'm staring...

I bite the inside of my cheek as if that'll somehow stop my urge to jump on Niall and attack his lips with my own.

I'd call him daddy and he'll go all animal on me and push me down onto this lunch table and-

"Maybe you just need to try something different for sex. Like one of those sissy boys over there. They'll give you something different." My face heated up at what Liam said. It also stopped my imagination from going too wild, so I am grateful for that.

And no I'm not wearing any feminine clothes. I don't wear any at school. Heck the feminine clothes I wear aren't even school appropriate.

Yet here I find myself imagining Niall on top of me, while I'm wearing silky lingerie and he's calling me his slutty little princess. And that excited me. Maybe a little too much...

Now something that you might be wondering. Ryan, but didn't Liam just say there are other boys who like to dress up in pretty clothing? Why don't you just hang out with them?

Well that's because, even though there are other boys here who like to dress up in girl clothes. I don't want to be casted as one of them. The sissy boys here are-

"Hell no Liam, those boys probably fucking have std's or some shit. They're known for not using protection." You see. If I come out as a Femboy I'll be treated like a slut.

Well in all honesty I wouldn't mind. Cum being shot onto my face, the sperm coming from different directio-

Okay enough of that! Focus on the task at hand Ryan. Save all that sexy imagination for when you get home!

With that in mind I took a deep breath and tapped on Louis' shoulder.

"Mr. Louis?" If it were up to me I would call Louis Tomlinson, "Louis" but he prefers to be called Mr. Louis. Well he prefers for me to call him Mr. Louis. I don't really know why.

To tell you the truth, the only reason I do Louis' homework is because it gives me a reason; an excuse to be somewhat in proximity to the Irish King.

Yup I'm hopelessly in love.

Finally he turns his attention to me and away from Niall Horan's predicament.

"What?" I quickly take out his homework and hand it to him.

"It's your h-homework." He starts to inspect the handwriting and from the corner of my eye I look over at Niall. He was staring blankly at his phone. Probably scrolling though some type of social media.

And then Harry Styles scoots closer to Niall patting his back.

"But seriously Niall. Don't worry about it, you'll find someone that'll spark up your interest. Just you wait, it'll happen."

Being Louis Tomlinson's homework doer not only allowed me to be close to Niall, it also made it easier for me to eavesdrop on some conversations.

But these were one of the types of conversations that I was least fond of. The ones about Niall's sex/love life. They never ended up so good and that's probably why he's not in a relationship.

"Should I just try Netflix & Chilling Demi?"

I frown. I don't want Niall to get with anybody else. But I know he wouldn't go out with me. Let alone get with me. Heck, he barely even acknowledges my existence.

But something in my gut just tells me I have to stop him from doing this.

I just don't know how.

A/N: Hi! (: Nobody is probably reading this book but I'll write an authors note anyways.

This is an idea I had and I'm going to try my best at writing it how I imagined. I hope you enjoy!

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