Chapter 2

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I watch as Niall continues to chat up Demi Lovato, one of the popular cheerleaders at this school. She's not necessarily stuck up but that doesn't mean she doesn't have her moments.

I glared from afar. Yeah I'm pretty salty right now. And I bet if I were to jump into a lake it'd turn into an ocean...

I'm sorry, that wasn't very funny. One day I'll stop eating corn...

It's making me corny...

It's been about 3 days since I promised that I'd find a way to get Niall to not do anything with Demi, but I've got nothing.

I just don't know how I'll distract Niall.

"Heads up!" I furrow my eyebrows and turn around to ask the person who shouted, to elaborate further on what they mea-

Suddenly air was being knocked out of my lungs and I hit the floor with a thud. I finally started to feel a massive sting on my face and had come to the conclusion that I, Ryan Harley have just been hit in the face with a volleyball.

I groaned, squinting my eyes as I crawled around looking for my glasses. I don't see very well without them. I tried blocking out the sounds of laughter in the background and once I found my glasses I put them on.

The person who threw the volleyball came and got it. He shrugged his shoulders.

"I told you heads up, you didn't listen." And he was gone. If I had the guts I would have told him that he should have been clearer on what he meant.

Or maybe I should just pay more attention to my surroundings.

Realizing that people were still laughing at my misfortune. I turned to see if Niall was looking.

He wasn't.

He was talking to Demi. Demi fucking Lovato. And I didn't like it not one bit.

I marched over there and tapped her shoulder impatiently. She turned around with one final look at Niall while he looked at me curiously.

"What do you want?" I slapped her across the face.

"Back off of my daddy, you fucking skank." She lunged at me and I tried hitting her to my best ability.

"He isn't yours, he mine." I bitch slapped her off of me and began pulling at her hair.

After the end of the cat fight, I had ended up victorious. Niall smiled down at me as he was now released from the evil curse that was Demi Lovato.

"Thank you for saving me Ryan." I gasp as he pulls me into his chest.

"You know my name?" He nods, making are foreheads touch.

"How could I ever repay you for saving me from that slutty witch." I looked away to add more dramatic effect.

"Fuck me." I whispered. Suddenly our clothes disappeared into thin air and Niall was fucking me into oblivion while I yelled out his name (DADDY!!!!!) and the people that were in the gymnasium cheered encouraging Niall to go harder and deeper and-

The bell rang snapping me from my daydream. I looked down at my crotch area to make sure that my small bulge was not noticeable.

I'm not a liar... I have a small penis.

I look up at Niall to see if he was still in the gymnasium. He wasn't and I sighed in thought.

I wondered if he was packed. I've heard around that he is but, I guess I'll never know until I see him fully naked with my own two eyes.

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