Chapter 15

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(A/N: Warning: Somewhere in the middle they're nudes)

After school I followed Niall to his car. My heart racing out of my ass, as I wondered all the different things that could happen. Could it become another Louis situation? Could Daddy Irish and I become close friends?

Maybe he'll fall in love with me? I don't know but I'm excited.

I get into his car, on the passenger seat side and most of the car ride ends up being silent. Sometimes we'd talk to each other but it'd end awkwardly because I'd just stare too long.

He pulled up into his driveway and parked the car. I got out and waited for him before we entered.

"You can leave your shoes here, you want anything to drink?" I shake my head no and we make our way to his room. He invited me onto his bed, which I sit on slowly.

I want him to ask me if I'm a virgin but I also don't want him to. I should also probably stop comparing this to the time I went over to Louis' house. There's no way this will end the same way.

He sighs as I take out the required books before sitting on his bed.

"Let's do this." And for an hour we actually did, but he kept going into the bathroom for breaks and my phone kept getting a new message when he did and I'm too scared to look in case he comes out of the bathroom before I put my phone away.

It was only when Niall returned and left to the bathroom again that I looked at my phone.

From Daddy😍💦:

Since I promised does that mean you're going

That text was from before we got in the car to drive to his house.

From Daddy😍💦:


He sent this when we got here.

From Daddy😍💦:

Are you going or not

From Daddy😍💦:

Princess respond

From Daddy😍💦:

Fucking text back you always do around this time

I watched as the little bubbles signaled that he was typing take longer than before. I never turned off the read notification so he can probably tell that I've just seen the texts and haven't replied.

From Daddy😍💦:


My eyes widened. I already knew what I had to do. I'm going to go to the party on Saturday.

To Daddy😍💦:


I'm just not telling Niall about it.

I put my phone away jumping when the bathroom door slams shut.

"That fucking little bitch! Who the fuck does he think he is?" I push my glasses back up, not sure if Niall actually wanted a response from me or not. He looked at me continuing to pace around but then he abruptly stopped. Eyes staring into my soul.

Should I bend over? Is he gonna fuck me? Ryan stop with your wishful thinking.

Niall got in bed next to me and starts

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