Chapter 18

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Louis' POV

I don't like him okay? I just think it's funny to tease him. I wasn't really gonna take his virginity- I don't even want to. I did those things as a... charity case! And I'm only mad because he didn't let me prank him, I wasn't actually gonna...

"Louis!" I jumped in my car seat and glanced at Harry before looking back at the road.

"What? Did you have to yell so loud?" Zayn stayed quiet in the back.

"Where are you taking us, your house is in the opposite direction." I shook my head at him, what's he even... Oh. I am going the wrong way.

"Must've taken a wrong turn." I muttered.

"You think?" I ignored Harry's snarky remark and made another turn. Well since I'm in the neighbourhood I might as well.

"Louis where the fuck are we?" I waved Harry off - he's so aggressive nowadays - and towards the front door. I heard Liam's car door open and close.

"Um, does anyone know where we are right now?"

"Wait don't tell me."

This is where I dropped him off. Nerdy's house. I gulped my Harry was beating fast- because I'm gonna beat him up duh. Crap I can't do that at his house. Just knock on the door Louis!

I knocked and waited and out came an old man with a beer gut. Why do I think this isn't gonna end well?

The man looked at the lads then looked at me.

"Can I help you?"

"I'm yeah Mr. Harley is-

"Harley? I'm Mr. Lebatemue, the Harley's are..." His face changed into disgust and he raised the beer in his hand. By that point me and the boys were already booking it back into our cars. The bottle shattered on the pavement close to my car door.

"Fucking faggots the bunch of you! Rot in hell I say! Rot in hell!" And we were off.

The little shit lied about where he lives. Well I guess it's better that way. I didn't really have a plan as to what I was going to do if I saw him but now I'll have time to plan something.

I'll just have to think of what exactly I'm going to do.

"You're not gonna make us stop at another random house right?" I looked at Harry and then back at the road, tolling my eyes.

"Sod off mate, when I dropped him off that's where he made me go."

"And you remembered from that one drive?" I flipped him off and thankfully Zayn changed the topic.

I don't like him.

- time skip -

School went by super slow today, which made me feel like today was also not gonna go well.

"Psst- Tomlinson." I looked at Jefferson, "Are these what you wanted?" He opened the pack and what I saw inside made me smirk.

"Yeah, thanks mate." I took them and patted his back.

"Just remember to put in a good word for me with Emily." I shot him a quick nod and met up with Harry, who was already walking to class.

"What's in the box?" I shrugged


When the day finally ended I rushed out of the classroom like everyone else.



"Louis!" I turn around and look at my friends.

"What, what do you want?" I've got ten minutes to get this right.

"Why are your rushing-

"Just follow me and I'll explain later." I turned the corner and continued down the hall.

I didn't talk about the nerd all day so I don't even want to hear it from them.

"Mate that's the principal's office." Liam said.

"I know, keep watch for me and don't look suspicious." I just need to find his address now.

I looked through the first drawer and looked for the letter H. Or is everything sorted by first name? No there's too many people with the same name. There's definitely more Ryan's in this school.

"Hurry up, what are you even looking for?" If Niall could just shut up and let me focus on finding- finally. I found his address.


"Pipe down I got it let's go." We walked out of school as quickly as possible. The principal was outside watching everyone go home and I was hoping nobody would see what I just did since it's after school.

"Does this have to do with the box that that guy gave you?"

"Maybe." Harry sighed.

"Should I even ask at this point." I stayed quiet and unlocked my car door. At least he's not being bitchy about it.

"Follow you?" I nodded at Liam who entered his car with Niall: Harry and Zayn got into mine. I buckled my seatbelt and took this moment to look at them.

"Just... help me out ok?" Harry rolled his eyes and didn't say anything and Zayn

"Always mate." Said that with a smile.

With that we drove off to Ryan's actual house and I could feel my adrenaline begin to pump. I'm about to do some secret agent assassin type shit.

The house ended up being two blocks away from the house we were at yesterday.

"Are you kidding me." The little nerd doesn't know who he's messing with.

I'm going to enjoy this.

(A/N: Ayyyy)

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