Chapter 13

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From Daddy😍💦:

I know you heard about Louis throwing a party

From Daddy😍💦:

You should come

I thought about saying yes I really did but. Honestly speaking.

It'd be risky going to a party where Niall is and have him know that I'm there somewhere.

He'd be looking for me and so would all his mates. On top of that I'd have to somehow leave after confronting him without any problems.

Knowing my daddy he wouldn't let that happen so easily.

I look up at my ceiling as I lay on my bed, letting out a troubled sigh.

Yeah, so basically impossible.

With that I put my phone away and don't reply.

I yawn, turning on my side. I'll deal with the Irish King later.

- time skip -

"I want no problems today. Everyone work with their seating buddies. That includes you Mr. Horan." Niall rolls his eyes next to me and I look at the empty chair in front of him.

Harry didn't come to school today. Not that I care it's just not like him.

"So what do you want to work on first?" Readjusting my glasses I froze, heart beating out my ears as my body began to feel all tingly.


Is Niall talking to me?

"Um, kid? You gonna answer my question or...?" I sputtered at the hand on my shoulder, never thinking he'd actually touch me. At least not like this.

His hand felt soft, warm even a bit rough and he. He has no-

No idea that it's me he's looking for and talking to right now and I'm all squishy inside because Niall- Daddy is touching me right now.

"Wha, What ever you want." Daddy. Sexy ass Irish piece of scrumptious. I look away from Niall, my glasses fogging up.

I don't even care that he doesn't know my name.

"I don't know. I don't really pay attention to class. Thought you'd know because you're... uh. Smart." My knee began to bounce as my cheeks heated while I cleaned up my glasses.

"We can... start with the U.S History essay. I-It won't take long." Niall eyed me up - judging me - before letting out a chuckle.


"Yeah sure let's do that." So we started to talk about history and he knew enough to write his essay.

It was weird I won't lie. To talk to Niall about something face to face.

I could get used to it though.

"When do you want to come over to mine to do this?" What? Come over? To his house?

I thought back to the stuff I did with Louis at his. Will it go like that? Should I prepare for something similar?

Did Louis even tell Niall? No, they don't act like they know.

And Niall doesn't even know my name why would he try anything on me. How would he even make that connection between me and the person he's texting?

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