Chapter 12

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Days pass and school starts again. What happened between me and Louis? Who the hell knows what that was.

All I know is that it's Tuesday and fourth period. I've seen Louis like three times and I've gotten real nervous about it. But he hasn't told me anything about what happened.

Again. I don't know what the hell that was back at his house.

Hopefully we'll talk about it sooner or later. Or maybe we can just ignore it and I can go back to only focusing on Niall.

Though Louis was good practice.

The point is I'm gonna -

"Come on." I look up at him.

"Mr. Louis w-what are you doing?" Louis had yanked my arm and started pulling me down the hallway.

"I need something to distract me from Niall's annoying arse rant." What?

"What?" He just winked at me with a stupid smirk and I chose not to question it.

We walk into the library and my heartbeat quickens when I see Niall. Does this make me unfaithful?

No. Nothing has started between us. Things would be so awkward if Louis knew.

"- the little shit just won't budge. I don't know what to do guys." I hear the ending of Niall's statement about me as Louis and I join the group.

"He sent me a fucking welcoming basket for God's sake. I want to find this, this little." Niall groans, sinking his head down to the table and wrapping his arms around himself.

"It's all good mate. Let's just go back to our first plan." Liam pats Harry agreeing and then Harry continues.

"Where we collected as much phones and checked the number."

"Alright now that we have that sorted out can we go? Love you mate, but this sissy boy is all you talk about nowadays." Louis stood up. Harry and Liam following unsure.

"It's fine. Yeah let's go." I pursed my lips feeling that me being here served no purpose.

They could've held this conversation without me. The bell rings signalling next period and we make our way into literacy.

Once everyone's settled Mrs. Pattere begins to speak.

"Good evening class. Today we're starting off a little differently. I've noticed that most of you aren't taking my class serious enough and it's showcasing prominently in your grades."

I look around the class and glance at Niall. My phone in my hands inside my desk.

Daddy always looking so good.

To Daddy😍💦:

You never told me your kinks Daddy

I check for errors and send looking directly at the teacher.

"- work better in pairs so I decided to start a tutor buddy system. Your partner will be the person you sit next to. Help each other study and become scholars." I have to work with Niall on something?

From Daddy😍💦:

Better to show you than tell you

From Daddy😍💦:

Where are you

I shift in my seat, biting my lip. Right next to you, I think I shouldn't tell him that.

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