Chapter 5

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Going to school the next day and waiting for 5th period, which is when I have gym, was absolutely terrifying.

I kept looking around waiting for Niall to just pop out of no where and physically assault me for taking his phone. But that never happened and once again I was overreacting.

So here I am, putting Niall's phone back where it belongs before I close his locker door shut.

I went to my own locker and start getting ready for class. I came in a few minutes earlier then everyone else, just to make sure my plan doesn't fail.

And for once I was doing okay.

People started piling into the room and I only turned to look away when a certain fake blonde walked in.

"I think I'm just gonna get a new phone."


"Yeah. But it sucks because I'm gonna lose everything I had on-

I saw Niall look at the phone in his locker and he just stayed silent for a while. Liam peers over his shoulder and takes the phone out the locker.

"Isn't this your phone?"

"I checked this whole locker inside out yesterday and I couldn't find it. What the hell?" He takes his phone out of Liam's hand and walks out.

I sighed happy that no one found anything out. Even though there was no reason or way for Niall to somehow calculate that it was me who had his phone.

Hopefully this doesn't end terribly.

- time skip -

"Demi gave me her number." I seriously don't know why I torture myself like this. Here I find myself sitting at lunch with-

Do I really have to say who?

I heard his friends praise him but I didn't really pay attention to the words.

I'll have to move with this plan a lot quicker then I thought I'd have to.

Nonetheless I continued working on Louis' homework.

"You see. What did I tell you? Someone was bound to catch your attention." I held my pen a little tighter. I heard me daddy laugh.

"Rumor has it she's good at giving blowjobs." My teeth gritted together.

I was probably better. More experienced. A proper trained sissy.

I don't even like cumming without something being lodged up my ass.

My hand jobs were amazing and I'm an expert with my tongue. I don't want my daddy fantasizing about some-

"Will Ryan Harley please come to the main office. I repeat Ryan Harley to the main office." I looked up and at the loud speaker.

"It's seems our goody two shoes has finally gotten in trouble. Has spending quality time with me effect you that much?" I blushed realizing that Niall was staring me.

I could just imagine being tied up completely bare. While Niall stares at me, his hands trailing down my body as I beg for him to fuck me.

That would be lovely.

I grab my things and make my way to the main office where I see my mommy, who was not so subtly flirting with the principal.

I cleared my throat and my mommy giggled turning his head to look at me as he gestured me to grab his hand. I did and we began walking out the door.

"It was nice seeing you again Mr. Shanahan." The principle gives a short wave goodbye and I shake my head at me mommy's silly actions.

- time skip -

I gurgled, my eyes rolling to the back of my head as one of our guests continued thrusting into my mouth. His moans being the only thing I could hear.

My cheeks hollowed up as I made my tongue swirl around his girth. I pulled off of him, finally tuning in to the sounds of my mommy getting fucked not too far away from us.

I licked a long strip from his balls up his length to his slit, keeping eye contact at all times and then took him back into my mouth.

I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of this brute yank on my hair, the pain giving me and my little clit a lot of joy.

With one last thrust I felt him shoot his seed down my throat and I, like the good little girl my mommy raised me to be, swallowed every last bit.

I got up from my knees and licked up my fingers in a seductive manner before turning to look at my mommy who seemed to be properly fucked.

The 5 men began taking their belongings and leaving, giving my mommy a very generous amount of money.

To clear things up we are not prostitutes. This was just me practicing and my mommy getting his daily dose of semen.

It's just that sometimes the men are generous and give money. So why not take it?

"How did I do today mommy?" He smiled at me giving me a big hug and I kiss on my forehead.

"You did so good. I'm so proud of my little girl." I smiled cuddling up to his side as we laid there, eventually falling asleep.

When I woke up I saw the time, 1:44 a.m, and got off the couch heading to my room. When I got there I picked up my phone and went through my contacts.




I pressed on "Daddy😍💦" and hovered on what to text. Figuring that this should be simple and discrete.

To Daddy😍💦:



A/N: I have updated. Enjoy 😊🙃

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