Chapter 16

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(A/N: Last chapter there were a lot more nudes but Wattpad took them down cause they showed too much dick and ass. Also this is what Ryan wore to the party. Or you could just imagine what he wears, it doesn't really make a difference)

Today was Monday. I walked into school with my heart beating out my chest. This weekend was... not what I expected. If I'm being honest I was most excited about seeing how Niall was right now.

I wanted to sit in front of him with a smug look hidden behind thick rimmed glasses and a shy persona. But as soon as I entered school, I started hearing people whispering and chattering about Louis.

"He looked real pissed."

"Apparently there was this girl that was coming from another school for him to fuck and she didn't show up."

"Yeah rumor has it, she ditched him for some other guy."

"I heard she's actually a sissy boy pretending to be a nerd at our school." My heart dropped and everyone looked at the girl who said that in silence.

"Naah. Leave it to Jamie to make up weird stories."

"Yeah Jamie, does your arm hurt after that reach?" I internally sigh. That was, close? Where do people even hear rumors from?

I already knew that Louis was going to be upset, but I didn't think he'd be angry with me... I should've known he'd be angry with me. Fuck he's gonna kill me.

I call my mommy right away, explaining to him my dilemma and before I know it, my mommy's at school picking me up to go back home. He sighs at me on our way back.

"This is why I told you what I did. I mean, what's so wrong with having two daddies? Your own mommy has more than one." I pout as I look out the window.

"It's not that I don't want to have sex with Louis mommy, but that I don't want him to be my first. I want Daddy Niall to do that." He scoffed at me.

"Then you should've just fucked this Louis Daddy afterwards. That way he wouldn't want to punish you right now."

"But I haven't had sex with the first Daddy yet." Mommy parks the car, his eyes furrowing as we exit the car and enter our surprisingly empty - there were no bbc's around - house. We changed into comfortable - more like revealing - clothes.

"Then what the hell did you do at this party?" We were in mommy's room now and I had just remembered that I haven't explained the whole story to him yet.

"Okay mommy so here's what happened...

- flashback -

I had just finished thanking mummy for dropping me off and had made my way to Louis' front door. At first I knocked - it was a lot louder than the last time that I was here - but then a drunken girl and her friends just opened the door and I followed them inside.

Inside the house I could feel my heartbeat increase as I turned on the video camera I was carrying with me. I made sure my mask was on properly along with my wig. This, not only made me look better in my outfit but it also made sure Niall and Louis wouldn't be able to recognize me. I turn the camera to face me.

"This is a nice party your friend's throwing daddy." I start walking, looking around for Niall.

"Now I just gotta find you." I found my way to the kitchen. My plan was to find a Niall, get him drunk, have sex with him then leave.

"I can't wait to have your cock inside of me daddy." I lowered the camera filming the other way. Good news for me I had already found Niall. He was chugging down some alcohol in the kitchen with some guys I don't know or care of.

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