Chapter 17

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Niall's POV

It was Monday and I still couldn't remember anything I did on Saturday. I woke up on Sunday with a massive hangover, alone in one of Louis' guest beds.

There was a party last Saturday and you've guessed it SLP didn't show up.

Liam came to pick me up today and we had a chill conversation in his car while he drove us to school. When we got there I saw my friends and we walked towards them. I rolled my eyes once I heard Louis say,

"I mean seriously, I give this nerd a once in a lifetime opportunity to come with me to one of my parties. Do you know how many nerds go to my parties...? Zero! Cause I don't let them come but this little shit gets invited and chooses not to come? I'm gonna fucking fuck him."

"Up?" Harry said.


"You're going to fuck him up? That's what you meant to say?" Louis looked at Harry blankly. Louis probably just had a tongue twist or something, it happens.

"Yeah that's what I said."

"No you didn't, you said you were going to fuck him." Louis laughed and looked at us - we weren't laughing - his smile dropped and he looked at Harry baffled.

"Why do you care so much about what that nerd does? He's just your homework lackey-

"Mate do you hear yourself, of course I don't fucking care about him, but he's got to pay for wasting my time." Before anyone could say anything else the bell rang and we made ur way inside for class.

I really felt like skipping today.

"Maybe he's just coming to school late today."

"He's a nerd Zayn, what nerd do you know that gets to school late?" Zany shrugged and the nerd guy really didn't show up for the whole day. And this rumor started going around that Louis got dubbed at his party and let's just say his mood got even worse.

Louis slammed his fist down at the lunch table and I sighed putting my sandwich down. We're all just having a shit day today.

"I'm gonna fucking kill him." I looked at my phone tired of Louis' whining. I want to find SLP, I don't want to hear about some nerd I can't remember the name of.

From SLP🍑:

Hi daddy how's school going

Is he serious? He tells me he'll go to the party but then doesn't show up. I mean I didn't think he was going to show up but I still wanted him to prove me wrong.

To SLP🍑:

Don't talk to me

I'm so pissed I don't even know what to say.

From SLP🍑:

Did I do something to make daddy mad

Is he being serious right now!

To SLP🍑:

You didn't show up to the party of course I'm mad at you

He has some nerve. This whole time I've been playing right into his hand. Doing thins his way. I need to find him. I have to get the upper hand.

To SLP🍑:

Daddy's gonna have to spank you now

From SLP🍑:

But daddy I was at the party

No he wasn't, I started typing.

From SLP🍑:

Did Zayn and Harry not tell you

What? I looked at Harry and Zayn. How does he know Zayn? Why would they know something?

To SLP🍑:

What are you talking about

He sent me a video without a thumbnail. It was about 30 minutes long.

From SLP🍑:

Watch this and show your friend, especially Harry and Zayn. I think they'll like it a lot

I looked at them again.

"What's going on, you've been staring at your phone forever." Liam said.

"Is there something you guys aren't telling me?" I looked between Harry and Zayn who looked at each other before shaking their heads at me.

"No, what do you mean?" Harry said and I put my phone in the middle of the table, still looking at them.

"I don't know but SLP really wants me to show you guys this." Their facial expressions changed and I couldn't help but be mad at how wrapped around his finger he's got me. Look at you Niall, still doing exactly what he says.

"Look Niall, let me explain-

"Shut up and watch the video."

- time skip -

I banged my hand on the table a couple of times.

"Are you fucking serious?!"

"We tried getting him mate, you saw we tried." He was there. He was right there and I had him. I was inside of him.

I say back down slowly.

"Why didn't you tell me?" The bell rang and we all began packing out things.

"How about we all take a breather. They tried Ni, SLP had the whole thing planned out, it was going to be hard to catch him and Zayn didn't know til after the party." I scoffed at Louis. He is the last person I wanted to be told off by.

From SLP🍑:

I reallly enjoyed our time together daddy

To SLP🍑:

Just wait until I find you princess

He really made my blood boil. With my adrenaline pumping and my heart racing. The things this little sissy made me feel.

From SLP🍑:

Guess I'll have to wait for a while

I blew out air and sat in my next class. Let's face it I'm not really mad at my mates, not with my head filled with a twink. How do I describe this feeling?

I've never felt so alive.

(A/N: I just want to start of by saying I'm sorry. I know I've taken forever to update but I've really been struggling with school this year and this virus doesn't help. I feel like I have all the time in the world while having none all the same.

Updates will be slow so I understand if you don't want to read this story anymore and I'd like to say thank you to those of you who've waited and stayed from the beginning. You guys are awesome and I really appreciate all of you who spend some of your time reading my book x)

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