Chapter 14

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I'm going to Niall's house. He invited me to go to his house. So much and so little has happened in that day that I almost forgot about it.

I really am an idiot.

Opening the front door I'm met with my mommy bouncing on a mans cock. I shut the door taking my glasses off and begin to talk.

"Mommy I need your help." She moans and I roll my eyes.

"I'll be waiting in my room." I plop onto my bed, too tired to change into something more comfortable.

Why couldn't my life be as easy as my mom's? Why'd I have to start liking Niall? What am I gonna do about Louis?

Why doesn't Harry like me? I'm just glad I don't have any problems with Liam.

Is my life complicated or am I over complicating things?

The world may never know.

Mommy comes in with a slight pant and a limp.

"What's wrong princess, why aren't you out of your school clothes?" I sit up.

"Mommy can I have another phone?" He furrows his eyes at me.

"What do you need another phone for?" He comes and sits next to me and I lay my head on his shoulder.

"I need it so that I can give Niall - you know the daddy I told you about - my number as school me so that he doesn't find out that I'm the one he's texting." Mommy blinks at me.

"Baby, remind mommy why you can't just tell him who you are?" I groaned.

"Because he might not like me after he knows it's me." His lips press into a thin line.

"But baby-

"Mommy please just get me a new phone, please." I hold my hands together begging.

"Pleeaaase...?" He sighs and I cheer giving him the biggest hug and kisses on the cheek.

When Wednesday finally came I was really stoked. It felt like the whole week was just going really slow and I didn't really know what to do with myself.

From Daddy😍💦:

So are you going

I love when he texts first.

To Daddy😍💦:

Going to what daddy?

From Daddy😍💦:

Don't act like that

From Daddy😍💦:

To Louis' party

I'm still scared to go to that, whenever it'll happen. What if he traps me?! But then again, we'll totally do naughty things that day.

I can just feel my hole clench.

To Daddy😍💦:

I thought there wasn't a date to that yet

If I remember correctly Louis even yelled at some guy because he can't have the party yet since his parents haven't gone out for the weekend.

From Daddy😍💦:

Well there is one now this Saturday

That's a lot closer than I thought it'd be.

My heart started to pound as I entered my school. There's a lot of things I haven't thought about yet like.

What I'm going to wear? What do I do to hide my face? How do I enter and leave the house without creating so much attention for myself? What is my plan when I'm in the building?

The bell rings signalling first class and I snap out of my thoughts.

The list just goes on and on.

As the day went - very slowly - I saw Niall twice and both times he didn't pay attention to me. That's not really surprising though.

I just wonder if he even remembers that he invited me over to his house in the first place.

"Nerdy let me talk to you for a second." I internally sigh, slowly turning to face the direction I heard Louis' voice in.

"Yes Mr. Louis?" He pulled me aside, wrapping an arm over my shoulder and made me walk with him.

"You're coming to my party right?" I looked down at the floor while we walked. Not this again.

"Wh-What party?" People started going in to classes while we kept walking the halls. You know for someone who's a straight A student I'm sure spending a lot of time in the hallways.

Louis put his hand in my back pocket and squeezed, stopping us both where we are. I bit my lip as his lips got closer to my ear.

"The one I'm throwing at my house this Saturday." He stepped closer my back now pressed against the locker.

"It's also the one where I'm fucking you in." My clit twitched in my pants as my eyes closed when he made my head face up to him.

Louis' face got closer to my neck where he kissed, pulling away completely afterwards.

"You'd probably like that though, wouldn't you?" I opened my eyes, slowly nodding.

"Let's go to class." And he grabbed me by the wrist as he pulled me along.

Lunch wasn't any better. I had handed Louis' homework to him and was in my regular seat in front of Niall. But Louis' hand was on my thigh, Niall hadn't said a word to me - too busy talking to Liam - and Harry couldn't stop glaring at me.

What the fuck is going on?

From Daddy😍💦:

You left me hanging

I looked down at my phone and smiled. At least this is still normal.

To Daddy😍💦:

Sorry daddy I'll only go if you promise not to trap me

From Daddy😍💦:

I won't princess promise

I made a little noise as Louis' hand touched my penis and began to cough to play off the stares I got from the three.

"Are you still not busy today?" I look at Niall hoping my cheeks haven't turned red.

"Y-Yeah I'm free." Harry furrowed his eyebrows.

"Cool, good."

"You two are hanging out after school?" Louis asked.

"Nah, we're just doing the thing stupid Pattere wanted." Louis says "oh", now no longer caring while Harry gets up.

"Where you going Haz?"

"Somewhere with people who aren't hanging out with little nerd geeks." Wow. He really doesn't like me.

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