Chapter 4 - Engagements

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After the Lucifers captured the rogue fallen angels, Donnaseek forfeited his life by insulting Issei, which did not sit well with Victoria, and he was killed by the Queen of Chaos.

Afterwards, they found out the plan to kill an excommunicated nun for her sacred gear, and Issei & Valerie were tasked with intercepting her once she arrived in Kuoh.

With Rias

Rias and Akeno were discussing what they were told by Issei.

Akeno: Basically, they lured a girl here to kill her for her sacred gear ,how disgusting.

Rias: Well since they've dealt with the fallen angels, Ise and Vali will intercept her tomorrow, and I'm told she'll be a new piece for me and she doesn't have a family, I'm guessing mother will adopt her.

Akeno: Yeah, no one really deserves that, but we'll meet her tomorrow.

Outside the ORC

A Phoenix was watching the conversation between the Gremory King & Queen.

Riser: Soon you'll be mine, my dear Rias.

TS - Next Day

Issei and Valerie were walking around Kuoh as Sona had excused them from school from the information given to them by Victoria. As they were walking, they were discussing what is coming up.

Vali: Ise, that day is coming up, y'know.

Issei: I know Vali, and I'm not looking forward to it, but I'll show him why not to approach my girl.

Vali: Make it interesting, don't finish it early, kay?

Issei: Alright.

As they were talking, they heard a yelp and saw a nun.

????: Amico, sono un tale klutz [Man I'm such a klutz]

Issei: Ehi, stai bene? [Hey ,are you okay?]

????: Starò bene [I'll be fine]

Vali: Lascia che ti aiuti con quello [Let me help you with that]

????: Grazie

Issei: Se posso chiederti come ti chiami? [If I may ask, what is your name?]

Asia: Sono Asia Argento

Vali: Sono Valerie Hyoudou e questo è mio fratello Issei Hyoudou  [I'm Valerie Hyoudou, and this is my brother Issei Hyoudou]

Asia: È un piacere conoscervi, Valerie e Issei [It's nice meeting you, Valerie and Issei]

Issei: Piacere di conoscerti, Asia, sai perché sei qui? [It's nice meeting you Asia, do you know why you are here?]

Asia: Sono stato inviato per rivitalizzare la chiesa qui a Kuoh  [I was sent here to revitalise the church here in Kuoh]

Vali: Mi dispiace dirlo, Asia, ma sei stata ingannata [ I'm sorry to say this Asia, but you were tricked]

Asia: Ingannato ma come? [Tricked but how]

Issei: Ti hanno mandato qui a morire, togliendoti il tuo sacro equipaggiamento [They sent you here to die, by taking out your sacred gear]

Asia: È impossibile, un angelo è venuto da me e mi ha detto di venire in questa città [Thats impossible, an angel came to me and told me to come to this town]

Vali: L'angelo che è venuto da te era un angelo caduto [The angel who came to you was a Fallen angel]

Asia: Oh no! Cosa ho fatto [ Oh no! What have I done]

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