Chapter 9 - Confronting The Angel of Stars

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Previously on the Twin Sky Dragons of Kuoh

Victoria: Basically, yes, Ise, you will be the new Devil King Lucifer ,but Vali will be the head of the Clan.

Vali: Huh??!!

Gorou: Victoria saw that she couldn't really spend as much time with you as she would have wanted due to her Regnal and Clan Duties, so she decided to split the duties so that you don't have to see the same thing when you have your own families.

Issei: So you don't want us to have that headache.

Victoria: Exactly.

Issei: You know mom, while Claire was here, I had a discussion with her and she told me that not many Clan Heads were happy with me, who is a Hybrid Devil being engaged to Rias who is a Pure Blooded Devil.

Victoria: That brings me to my next point.

Asia: What would that be, mom?

Victoria: Due to that, I'll be turning the three of you into pureblood Devils.

All: Ehhhhhhhh?????!!!!


Issei: Wait, hold up!! Turning us into Pureblood Devils, I thought that wasn't possible, especially without Great Grandfather's Book??!

Victoria: One of my spies found the book with the Brigade and sent it to me, I placed it with heavy security back home in the Underworld.

Vali: We're really moving along quickly. This might be finished quickly.

Asia: It might be Vali-nee.

Gorou: Well then, shall we head to the Underworld?

Victoria: Let's. I'll inform Rias and Sona that we'll be absent for the night, and I'm leaving Kuoh in their hands.

[Communication Outgoing - Rias & Sona]

Sona: Good evening mother, it's good to hear from you.

Victoria: Evening Sona, Rias ,how have you been?

Rias: We've been alright, mother, Akeno's told me Suzaku's regained consciousness and is able to have conversations.

Victoria: That's great to hear! Though that isn't the reason I was calling?

Rias: What is it, mother?

Victoria: The five of us, myself, Gorou, Ise, Vali, and Asia, will be out of Kuoh for the night and we'll be at home in the Underworld, meet me for breakfast at the castle along with Akeno

So for the night I'm leaving Kuoh in your hands, think you can handle it?

Sona: Of course, we won't disappoint.

Victoria: Alright, see you soon then.

[Communication Ended]

Victoria: Well then, let's go.

Scene Change - Lucifer Family Castle, Lucifer/ Satan Territory - 22:00

The Lucifer-Hyoudou family teleported to the Underworld as they went to Victoria's study where the book of Lucifer was kept, which she would use to turn Vali, Asia, and Issei into Pureblooded Devils. As Victoria followed the security prompts, the system responded .

Security System: Require Proof of Identity, please enter confirmation code.

Code Identified.

Please show retinal confirmation.

Retinal Scan Confirmed.

Please Give Vocal Confirmation

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