Chapter 10 - The Queen Returns

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Irina POV

It's been almost 10 years since I've been home in Kuoh and away from my friends and other family in the Lucifer-Hyoudou family. Ise and Vali were my first friends, and I was the same to them, we were extremely close, and then we added Rias to our group. When Ise and Vali first told me they were devils , I was scared but dad told me that they were extremely friendly and won't do anything to me, I even met their mother who's Queen of the Devils and she became an aunt to me and became a second mother to me.

When I was told of God's death ,I was extremely shaken, so much to the point that I didn't want to go outside and play, but Ise and Vali comforted me, they were the best friends I've wanted. I ultimately grew a crush and an adoration for Ise. He was someone I wanted to spend my life with, and when we left, I was sad. He offered that I join his peerage as his queen. I told him that I'll join him once I grew up, and I came back to Kuoh. Auntie Victoria saw that I had an affinity for Fire and Lightning Magic and taught me what she knew with those Magic skills, and I became a skilled mage, though I kept it under wraps in order to not be weaponised by the church.

When we left, I took Ise's Queen Piece, wearing it as a necklace, and it made me a pseudo-member of his peerage by having it with me. He could also track me to see if I was safe. I also stole his first kiss while at a sleepover when it was just me, him, Vali, and Rias. I'll never forget how mad Rias was when I did that. It was so funny. Now I've got a mission back home to Kuoh, where it'll be my last with the church. The Angels understood my decision when I informed them of joining Ise and said that I'd be family to them since they'd be my in-laws once I married Ise. So now I'm with Xenovia as we prepare to leave for Kuoh where I'd be reunited with my King and Love.

Scene Change - Shidou Home, London - 09:00 GMT.

Irina and Xenovia were heading to the Shidou Home as Irina had to stop to collect something before they headed to Kuoh.

Irina: Xenovia, mind if we stop at my house first?

Xenovia: Why? Is something wrong?

Irina: There is something I need to pick up before we head to Japan.

Xenovia: Alright, make it quick.

The duo arrived at the house as they entered, Asami greeted the two as Irina told her she had something to pick up from her room, whilst Asami gave Xenovia some juice as she waited for Irina

Scene Change - Irina's Room.

Irina entered her room, she had already sent ahead most of her belongings back to Kuoh, her parents would move back later than her, she still had a few things to get, and the first thing she got was a Diamond Ring, given to her by Victoria, since Irina would be the first wife. Then afterwards, she got the Queen Piece given to her by Issei. The piece was luminous in a silver glow as it reacted to her presence. She picked up and wore it as a necklace as it glowed again.

Irina: Ise my love, my king, I'm coming home, just wait for me.

As she walked downstairs to leave, she saw her dad and mom talking to Xenovia about their mission. When she entered the living room, her parents saw that she was wearing the diamond ring and Queen Piece as they got up to hug her as they knew it was time for her to reunite with Issei.

Asami: Good luck, Iri-chan.

Touji: We'll be in Kuoh soon, so we'll see you extremely soon.

Irina: Okay, mom, dad, thank you.

Asami: Oh please give this letter to Victoria, kay?

Irina: I will mom. See you soon.

Irina and Xenovia left the house as Xenovia asked about the Queen Piece.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12 ⏰

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