The Photos

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I am looking at videos of the charity event and it looks like I am being intimate with Elena, I had Barney investigate and take them down immediately. Then I see Elena verbally assaulting Anastasia in a shop in front of her mother and then they were approached by Mia and then Elena was prevented from going to their table and then I see the woman taking Elena out of the restaurant that I own. Jason tells me that she is a well trained bodyguard.

That's Theresa Prescott she was on the list to be hired but a friend of hers hired her away from us. Now I think I know the friend. She turned Elena over to the restaurant's security to escort her to her car and suggested that Elena be blackballed from entering the Mile High Club after trying to get into a fight with Anastasia, Carla Steele and your sister. We get things taken down very quickly. Luckily no one knows who Anastasia Steele is yet. But knowing Elena it won't be long before the public does know. Barney has suggested something and I don't like it, but I think of following up on all the rumors about her sexual appetites. Mr Grey has said that if she wants to play with fire we will add fuel to it and see where the flames lead. I get my best people working undercover and send them the targets. Elena won't know what hit her. I turn Ryan loose and have him bring in his friends.

I really want to make sure this woman is put in prison for life. She is not what she appears to be and her salons aren't making money, but she sure has plenty to spend. I saw her with several young boys and girls and something was very wrong with the way they behaved around her. They kept their heads bowed down and I noticed abrasions on their wrists. The more we follow her the more we realize that she is really good at hiding her true nature. Without seeing her actually in the act we suspect her if there is not much we can do. I decide to send in one of my youngest looking couples. The Sawyers, Thomas and Penelope are going to be bait for her.

I really want to put this woman in prison if she is doing what we think she is. Penelope is working with me on this. We are playing roles of disadvantaged teens who are 14 years old. We both look the age, but we are well trained and very capable of taking this person down.

I was her first contact and she invited me to lunch and offered me a job at her salon under the table. Thomas was offered a job at her home. She picked us up and took us to each place and then had us clean. Thomas came back home exhausted. We both were exhausted and dirtier than we started out this morning. We were paid and dropped off where we were picked up. I suspect she was testing us to find out if we were really homeless. We are going to have to stay on the street and put the clothing we had on the day before. We have a place we can hang out as homeless people. I really hate the smell, but I am starting to think this lady is very dangerous. We are picked up in a minivan and taken away and washed thoroughly from head to toe. We are dressed in provocative clothing. Soon we are taken to rooms and locked inside them. They took all our jewelry off, but not before I sent the signal out from my necklace.

I am handcuffed after they remove everything I was wearing. I hit my medical alert signal button. Soon I see her face and she starts walking around me and says something about being my master and I am her pet. Apparently I am in training and I am to be a good boy and she will let me do things to her sexually if I do as told if not she pulls a whip from the wall and I hear it snap. These cuffs are strong and I can't move them or get out of them. I am naked before her. I don't know what she will do next. I feel her body pressing against mine. Suddenly the door flys open and police are cuffing Elena and taking the cuffs off of me. They hand me clothing they found outside the door. I see Penelope crying as she walks past us. We are all taken to the hospital to be checked out. Penelope has to stay the night because she got whipped by Elena and a young teenage boy. They discovered that we were being sold off to the highest bidder, but they were going to train us before we were turned over to our owner or master.

It took two weeks before we got what we needed to get her off the street. Penelope had to have plastic surgery on her backside and we paid for all of it and compensated her for everything. She had to go through therapy for ptsd. I give them time off to recover from this. She wasn't sexually assaulted but others were. With everything they found at where the Sawyers were taken they were able to get search warrants for all her properties along with places owned by her investors. The amount of evidence keeps rolling in and we know she had bribed law enforcement and judges to keep from going to prison. Missing teens and homeless people reports were taken as seriously as they should have when none turned up dead or back home.

I finally get to go to dinner with Anastasia and I am looking forward to it. She saw the news reports about Elena Lincoln. She doesn't know what I set up to catch this evil person.

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