The Raffle Begins

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I am listening for the drawing time for the raffle tickets for the charity event. I just can't believe the luck of this happening after I tried to set up Anastasia with the billionaire bachelor that was staying in a hotel close to us. I sent photos and information about her turning 18 years old and being very smart. I had Jose jr do some photoshopping of me in the photo of Anastasia and myself in bikinis. Ray has no idea I did this but Anastasia told me off big time. Apparently the security team that got hold of the photos tracked her down and told her to stop contacting mr Grey or they would get a restraining order against her. They found her at her school and scared her so much she defended herself from them. They took her to a hotel room and showed her the evidence and she proved that it was not her that sent them anything. She apparently had my signature and compared the handwriting and she came home very angry at me and told me to stop matchmaking her with a total stranger. Ray was on her side in this and he contacted the head of security and told them how overbearing I was and to please just ignore anything they got from the Steele family completely. He told them that I wasn't given permission to send any photos of Anastasia to them.

I was so mad at Carla I thought that I would just divorce her because of her antics and then I find the raffle tickets and I know that she has lost her mind. Jose jr actually had no idea why he had been asked to photoshop those pictures. That's when we found all the photos of Anastasia in various poses and ages in his room. Granted he had other photos of young ladies, but something about my daughter's photos sent chills down my back. I spoke to him and reminded him that she told him that she was only interested in being a friend to him. At 18 Anastasia has graduated from high school and has three college degrees. She has been working and buying stocks with my help and she wants to become a stock broker and is set on going to Seattle to train and pass the exam for it. We have hidden her assets from her mother. I have taught her all kinds of self defense and how to shoot and we have gotten her a hand gun for on her property only. She has to be 21 for a carry and conceal license. I at least know she can get away from huge guys. I spoke to one of Grey's men about how he handled my daughter before investigating further into the situation. Mr Taylor said it was very clear to him that Anastasia was a patsy whose mother had sent everything to them. At least he had a black eye from trying to take her. She put up one hell of a fight. Mr Taylor told me that I taught my daughter well. Apparently they had also spoke to Carla about her sending things through the mail and let her off easier than she should be.

Jason Taylor
I had never ran into someone so tiny that could catch me off guard and blacked my eye and put Sawyer on the ground with a kick to the groin area. I saw her father and he definitely taught her everything she knows. He told me if I had any further questions ask him and he would get to the bottom of it if it concerns his daughter. He also told me that his daughter didn't need anything from the Greyhound, a nickname he gave Christian Grey because he plays the field a lot and as such a dog. We then see what mr Grey's mother has been up to. She is selling raffle tickets to her charity event and 20 people will be able to attend the casual event after their number is drawn from all the thousands of raffle tickets are sold. There are lines at every place that sells the tickets. This is going to be a security nightmare.

I can't believe the amount of people who try to set me up with their daughters, but it was a first that they were photographed with them and they looked like twins, it was obviously photoshopped and I could tell they did something to make mama look younger and had a better body. Although the young lady they recorded had a great body as well and she kicked my security team's ass. Jason has a black eye and sawyer has bruised balls. She is like five foot nothing and barely 90 pounds, but all of it is muscle. I call mom about the raffle and she tells me to be there and bring security with me because apparently mostly young ladies are the ones who have won the raffle. A few men have won as well. 16 young women and 4 young men. All have claimed their invitations. There's going to be an auction for dances as well. That was Mia's great idea. At least we don't have to dress up in formal attire.

There is no doubt that these goons boss is watching me get raked over the coals by his muscle. I smile at the black eye I gave the head muscleman and watch as his second hand man walks funny after I kicked him in the groin. Glad I had my work boots on. But they got me to join them in this room to explain those photos of mom and me in bikinis. I didn't care who their boss was and I told them that whoever sent those photos didn't have my permission to take them or to send them to anyone. I am thinking mom and Jose jr had something to do with this. Him having taken the photos and the photoshopping them and mom sending them to his boss. I asked for all my photos back from them. I proved it wasn't my writing on the envelope or the note inside. There was only one person who would do this and it is my mom. I was told they needed to keep them for evidence in getting a restraining order against whomever sent them. I am going to give mom hell when I get home. I couldn't quite get through to mom because the raffle tickets had a winner amongst them and I needed to get the invitation so I can go. Oh hell it sounded like it would be fun and an easy way to get my mother off my back. Dad and Jose sr found the perfect places for us to move to in Seattle and so we start packing after I transfer the money to the real estate agent.

Enid Kavanaugh
I can't believe that we won two of the invitations. So Ethan and Kate will be going to get their invitations. Kate is on board but Ethan not so much but he will go anyway. Eamon reminded him that he needs to make social connections if he wants to open his psychiatric practice. So both are going.

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