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It has been a week. A long and tedious week since it happened. Seven days since Lee Minho can be seen wearing a blue ring on his finger. An entire week since Yumi has left the space. Minho did not even realize how fast the time flew by as he distracted himself by dancing as much as he could, trying to forget the fact that Yumi was no longer a part of the space.

Preferably, Yumi should have informed Taemin himself, but it wasn't an option at the time. It was a good thing that she told one of the admins. Which at the time was Lily. Lily was personally the one who processed everything for Yumi's departure. She was the one who told Taemin himself and to her surprise, when she went to clean Yumi's locker, it was empty.

It was empty except for a few pieces of pencil and an extra sketchpad. There were also several snacks placed inside. It was deserted, to say the least. Yumi was the type of person to not leave her clothes in the space and bring it home during the day.

Not knowing what to do, Lily gave the items to Minho. She was half expecting the man to leave the following day as well, but he didn't.

Speaking of Minho, he was the one who told the three younger boys himself. He knew he was the one who could explain the situation the best amongst the ones who knew of her departure. He was, after all, the closest to her.

"Red left."

When the three boys were called by Minho, they were expecting to be told to prepare a dance or a dance lesson from Minho himself. This was definitely not one of the things they considered.

"She couldn't tell you all herself because of some circumstances. But I hope you understand her reasonings and not hate her." He said in a gentle tone, still defending Yumi to make sure the boys will not hate her for suddenly leaving them.

Woo and Dobi were sad to say the least. However, they did not hate their noona. After all, she was someone who supported them from the beginning and made them feel welcome at the space, alongside their Minho hyung.

Jun just smiled. "I hope we meet noona someday. Doesn't matter when. But someday."

That is what Minho held on for the rest of the year. He stayed during the entire year. Although he was still in the space, his presence was rarely felt, compared to when Yumi was still in the space. He tried to be as lowkey as possible, not socializing much and only spending time with the boys.

Yumi's departure was felt by the entire space. It's not like it got somber or depressive but the atmosphere changed. Everyone knew she left as the news spread like wildfire. Yumi was one of the most famous dancers in the space and her sudden disappearance piqued the curiosity of most.

Minho can be seen alone most often during his free time if he wasn't teaching or helping the others. Jun spent time with the others more and also spent a lot more time with Dobi and Woo. The changes were subtle, but it can be felt by everyone.

He decided to stay for another year before finally pursuing his dreams.

The day before, he decided to spend time with his two cats. "Soonie. Doongie." He called, smiling as the two approached him.

It seems like it was only yesterday when the two were still kittens. Like it was only a few hours ago when he played with them with Yumi on his side. Laughing and cooing at the cats as they spend hours doing so. Not realizing how long they were spending time with each other.

Despite it being a year already, the sketch was beautifully placed in his bedroom. The ring never once removed the moment he placed it. He did not know what he was hoping for. But despite all, he stood strong.

When Minho arrived at the space, he was greeted by Jun. "I'm leaving today." He informed.

Jun nodded and smiled at him. It was as if he was already expecting it. Minho sometimes wonders if Jun was really younger than him. He tends to think a lot more maturely than him. "I hope you'll be happy and safe, hyung. Thank you for helping me improve as well as the others."

Minho gave him a rare hug. Jun became the younger brother he never had, and he would never ever try to deny the fact that Jun has been an important impact in his life.


"You're leaving as well?"

Woo and Dobi arrived. Minho chuckled. "You two are grown enough. We're now on the same age when I first entered the space." He messed up their hair. "Don't forget what I taught you, okay? Try to be the hyung now."

The two laughed and rushed to hug the older boy. They really did grow up together and spent most of their childhood years together. The bond they formed was immaculate. After all, families don't have to be related by blood. They say friends are the families you chose; Minho couldn't agree more.

When he was finally alone, Minho took a deep breath, staring at the place where he spent nearly six years of his life, doing his passion. Staring where he found his first love.

His mind lingered to the first time he met the girl. She was young, lost, and confused. Minho did not know why he decided to befriend her, but he did, and he does not regret it, not even a single second. He had no idea what happened that made the two of them close. It all happened so naturally.

In technicality, he did not have to spend time with her after the introductions were finished. He did not need to talk to her the following days. He wasn't required to teach her anything and be friends with her, but he did.

There was like a magnetic pull between the two of them and without even noticing it, he began spending his free time with her. Soon it developed to practicing with her, and finally, spending every moment with her.

He sat down on the bench where he once spent his happiest days with her. He watched as a lonely leaf fell right next to him. Taking in the scenery for one last time, he stood up and searched for Taemin himself.

When he bid goodbye to Taemin, the idol thanked him for everything and hugged him. Every step to the lockers was heavy for Minho. Cleaning up the locker where he once used was a quick job. He was already planning on leaving so he was already starting to clean it up slowly day by day, bringing one item home after the other.

The night has fell when he came home. His backpack was light as he walked underneath the starlight. He was alone, holding his tears as the night sky watched over him. He let out a shaky breath as his fingers played with his ring.

The next morning, he got up early and dressed casually. Making his way towards his destination, he took a deep breath. Staring at the sign on top of the building, he took a confident step in.

'Bighit Entertainment.'

a/n: A little spoiler: Woo, Dobi, and Jun are idols as well. Can you guess who?

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