...And The Real Terror.

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I could now breathe easy, because everything seemed to have calmed down.
Despite the fear of that supposed struggle on the part of the Rejected Critters, everything finally seemed to clear up.
When everything happened and CatNap came in, I started crying like crazy. I almost thought I was going to dehydrate.
There was so much accumulated overwhelm, the pressure...that my feelings exploded.

I was so grateful that CatNap was here, that I didn't part from him under any circumstances. I even insisted that he stay with us for the night, but they had to explain to me that it was not possible to keep him downstairs.
What surprised me was that DogDay had gone to the warehouse very quickly, and what alarmed me was that GraciousGoat wasn't coming back from the office.

When CatNap left, we started putting things away to go to sleep. The strange event and CatNap's visit made us go to bed much later than usual, so we were all very tired, so much so that I could have settled for sleeping on two boxes and a blanket so as not to have to take out the bed.

When I ended taking out the cots and getting ready for sleeping, I went to bed, I snuggled in the blanket and fell asleep pretty quickly.

However, at night something strange happened.
After a while that seemed a little short, I heard something, like a crack.
My face lifted from the pillow. I sat up, still wrapped in the blanket, and through sleepy eyes, I saw that KickinChicken was no longer in bed.
I assumed he had gone to the bathroom.
I was about to lie back down, when I heard something strange. Like a small, muffled scream. And then, the landing door closing.

That couldn't be my imagination anymore.

I stood up, leaving the blanket on the floor. Completely in the dark, I groped my way to the wall, which I used to guide me.
On my way, I remembered that Lucky had left the candle on the table. So I went there, struck a match and lit the candle.

The orange light of the flame allowed me to faintly perceive the outline of objects. I was able to navigate the room a little better, so I could investigate further.
Near Kickin's bed was his jacket, which he usually takes off to sleep.
Nothing strange to note.

I continued walking through the room to the landing door, which had recently been closed.
When I went to open it, I noticed something strange behind me. Like a gust of air, something unnatural in that place.
I turned to look, and I thought I saw something moving between the boxes.
When I tried to get closer, the candle went out.

I went to light a new match.
But before I took the step, hands grabbed me.
One hand covered my mouth, and another held something sharp to my neck.
I stayed still, very still. I didn't even dare to breathe at that moment.

???: Smart girl. It doesn't seem like you want to fight like the other one.

Surely the other one, they were referring to KickinChicken.

That cavernous voice made all my spirits crumble at my feet.
Finally, they had achieved what they wanted; and they wanted to discover where we were, and detain us.

???: Okay, dear, now I'm going to uncover your mouth, and you're going to come with me. We need you for a tiny thing that's going on out there, AND for some questioning...
...may I remind you what will be the result of screaming?

I shook my head.

Slowly, she let go of my mouth. The knife exerted less force on my neck, but it was still there.
She stroked my hair.

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