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CITLALI REGRETTED LETTING XÓCHITL DRIVE, especially with how she was driving.

She sat back and prayed they made it in one piece.

  "How far is the hospital?" Rebekah worried. The blue hue on her daughter's face petrified her, she could hear Zyanya's heart pounding in her ears.

  "Like ten minutes." Citlali said.

"I can get there in five." Xóchitl promised.

The car swerved, violently jerking them around. Citlali gripped onto the car door, slamming the imaginary breaks (even though she was in the back seat) hopping the car would stop, "If you don't kill us first."

She glanced down at the baby and noticed Zyanya's breathing returned to normal and the seizures had stopped.

Everyone in the car felt an instant relief.

Once they arrived, Xóchitl pulled into the ambulance bay, not really caring if she got in trouble. She parked the car.

The three of them jumped out the car, before rushing into the hospital.

As they rushed into the ER, Citlali saw one of the interns and called them over.

  "Go move my car from the ambulance bay. Keys are in the car."

  "I'm not a valet."

  "It's an emergency." She stated, then turned to her cousin and the blonde, "Stay here. Stay with Rebekah."

With that tone, Xóchitl knew there was no room to argue.

So, Xóchitl led Rebekah to the waiting area as Citlali led the team to the trauma room.

Citlali unbuckled the car seat and lifted Zyanya out before setting her onto the hospital bed. Nurses surrounded them and began hooking the infant to various monitors, and oxygen masks. She began explaining the symptoms her niece had shown.

So far, all Zyanya's vitals were stable, and Citlali relaxed.

She ordered an ekg and various types of labs.

Citlali turned to a nurse and asked if she could get her cousin.

Xóchitl noticed how quiet Rebekah had been, almost like the blonde was like a dazed state.

She reached out and grabbed her shoulder, "You okay?"

That seemed to spook her out of the trance, "No. Uh, I thought she was better."

Xóchitl thought the same, Zyanya was doing great, "She will be." Zyanya was in the best hands, and if anyone could help her it was Citlali, "Everything will be fine, and Val is looking after Hope, so don't worry about her."

Rebekah nodded, at least that was something off her plate. "I'll have to thank her."

"You don't have to," she wrapped her arm around the blonde, giving her a squeeze, "Your kid just got indoctrinated into our cult. We're family now."

Rebekah smiled, she'd grown up with multiple overbearing brothers, and had always wished for a sister, "I appreciate it."

They continued on, Xóchitl pulled out her phone to text her aunt.

As she sat there, and thought about it, the word cult caught Rebekah's attention, she turned towards Xóchitl.

"You're not serious about the cult bit, are you?"

Xóchitl furrowed her brows, "What?"

"You said cult."

She shook her head, "No, not really," she did her best to not laugh, the look on Rebekah's face was priceless, her eyes were bulging out of her head and her jaw was almost to the floor. Xóchitl cracked, "Sorry." She laughed, "I'm sorry. It was too easy."

Rebekah rolled her eyes and playfully shoved Xóchitl, "That's not funny."

"It was a little," she said, "but no, we're not a cult. Although, at times it might feel like it."

She nodded, "Good."

A nurse appeared and called out the medical students name, "Xóchitl." She said, "Dr. Olvera is asking for you."

Xóchitl thanked the nurse as she stood up, "Come on, let's go."

   Citlali looked at the monitor, frowning at the numbers she saw, it'd been over an hour now and her oxygen numbers hadn't gone up even with the oxygen mask she had on.

Xóchitl and Rebekah entered the room, taking her attention way from the monitors.

   "Hey." Xóchitl greeted, "How's she doing?"

   "Stable... ish." Citlali said.

Rebekah hesitated when she saw Zyanya covered in monitors, it brought back memories from a couple of weeks ago when her daughter had her worst week, her labs were bad and numbers low, and nothing seemed to help.

It truly scarred Rebekah for an eternity's worth, multiple eternity's in fact.

  "Rebekah, she's okay." Citlali assured her.

  "Zyanya's stable for now, and if she continues she'll be able to go home later tonight, most likely tomorrow morning. We're just waiting on some tests."

Rebekah walked over to the crib, unlatched one of the side and slid it down. She reached her hand in and smoothed back the baby's tough of hair. "Hello, little one."

  "She was awake for a little before falling back asleep, nothing's happened since but she's having trouble breathing. It's been steady but the Oxygen saturations is 77 right now."

That was bad. The oxygen saturation should be in the range of 91-95 percent. Citlali stood, going over to the oxygen and upped the flow rate, she was definitely going to need stronger flow of oxygen.

Rebekah's phone began vibrating, she pulled out her phone to see it was Valentina calling, "Hello." She answered.

"The baby's been super fussy. I don't know what to do."

Rebekah could hear Hope wailing in the background, and her heart broke for Hope, she truly believed her niece missed Hayley, "If nothing's help, try the wooden knight." Rebekah advised, "That usually calms her."

She heard some rustling in the background and a few seconds later, Valentina said, "Found it," and soon the crying stopped, "Oh my gods, it worked."

Rebekah smiled when Zyanya wrapped her tiny little hand around her index finger, "That always seems to work."

"Thanks, I'm gonna go. I think she's hungry." Valentina said before hanging up.

An intern walked in with a cup holder, "I got your drinks, Dr. Olvera."

Citlali frowned, not having a clue what the intern meant, "I didn't order—"

   "Dr. Olvera thanks you for bringing her much needed caffeine kick." Xóchitl cut her cousin off as she walked over to the intern and took the three drinks from her.

  "No problem." The intern smiled before walking out of the room.

   "When did you even have the time to order an intern to get us coffee?" Citlali questioned.

   "I took your phone when we rushed out the door." She said, "And needed a pick me up, so I figured, why not?"

Xóchitl handed one travel cup to her cousin before walking over to the blonde original. She noticed how tensed Rebekah seemed, "You okay?" She handed the blonde the coffee cup.

  "I think so." Rebekah took the cup with an appreciative smile, "Thank you."

  "No problem. I told them to get you the Royal English Breakfast Tea Latte since you're British or whatever."

Rebekah rolled her eyes, "I am not British, I'm a Viking, for your information."

  "What's with the accent then?" Xóchitl joked.

"Fine it might be a tad British."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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