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TWELVE WEEKS HAD PASSED SINCE THE BIRTH OF HER DAUGHTER, all of which had been quiet. No crazed witches or vengeful werewolves came after her.

In those twelve weeks, Zyanya had grown like a weed. She had actually looked like a real baby, only slightly smaller. Her skin was a light olive tone instead of the bright pink see through skin.

Rebekah was admiring Zyanya, the baby was busy snoozing away. She was doing much better but she had yet to be released from the hospital.

Valentina walked in and headed straight to Zyanya.

She gasped, seeing how big the baby had gotten, "Wow, she's so big."

Valentina had been away for the past two weeks, she hadn't exactly told anyone why she left. So she hadn't seen the growth.


Citlali was the next person to walk inside the room, she had barely walked five steps inside before Rebekah bothered her.

   "Can she go home today?"

Citlali rolled her eyes, the blonde had been asking her the same question for the past five weeks. She groaned, "Rebekah, I've told you a thousand times already. No, she can't be taken home. She's gotten jaundice and is starting treatment today."

  "We'll just stick her out in the sun at home."

  "Is that really how it was treated in the past?" Valentina asked.

Rebekah nodded.

  "No, Rebekah," Citlali frowned, "Maybe that's what you people did in the ancient times but that's frowned upon when it's this severe. Hopefully she'll be able to go home in three days, a week at most... probably."

   "I just want her home."

   "I know. You just have to wait."

The blonde huffed out, "Waiting is such a bore."

  "Yeah, well I can't do much to fix that." Citlali said. The phone went off, and she dug through her pocket and pulled her device out, it wasn't hers. "I think it's yours."

She reached for her bag from the nearby table, grabbing her phone. The screen lit up with Nik's name, she frowned, this was odd. It worried her, he wouldn't be contacting her if it wasn't crucial or life threatening.

She instantly answered, "Nik, what's wrong?"

Citlali busied herself, getting everything ready for Zyanya's light therapy. She opened a pair of tiny sunglasses, placed them on the baby and chuckled, the moment was too good to pass up so she took a picture. Then she turned on the blue light.

   "I have to go." Rebekah worriedly said.

Citlali turned around, caught off guard by the blondes statement, worry was etched on her face, "What?"

Valentina looked up at her phone, furrowing her brows, "Where would you need to go?"

   "New Orleans."


   "There was a predicament with my brother Nik."

Valentina perked up, she'd heard the rumors floating around about the original brothers and how attractive they were, "As in, the original hybrid who knocked a girl up," Rebekah nodded, "That's literally anyone in the supernatural community has talk about for months."

Rebekah looked over to Citlali, "I'm not exactly sure what happened, but both my brothers were tricked and it ended horrible. The girl who's carrying his child was in distress, she had the baby, some of the witches took the baby and were about to sacrifice her... apparently it was my mother's doing."

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