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AFTER THREE HORRIBLE DAYS, of constantly stopping to comfort, feed, and change the crying baby in her back seat. Rebekah and her niece finally made it back to Los Angeles.

Don't get her wrong, she loved her niece dearly, but having to stop at the side of the road basically every hour to feed Hope was a bit more than frustrating, especially since she really wanted to be with her own daughter. Not to mention having to stop for the night at multiple hotels.

She had regretted not taking Valentina with her to help.

Both Xóchitl and Citlali were well beyond annoyed with her. She had probably called them a thousand times each, just for updates on Zyanya. Eventually, they both stopped answering her calls and resorted to texting her.

Rebekah pulled into the driveway at midnight, all the lights were off, she assumed the surgeons were at work and Valentina was doing whatever it was Valentina did.

She worked on getting the car seat out, the struggle of having to move the front seat up and crouch inside the back just to unbuckle the car seat was having her rethink her car choices. She would have to get a more family friendly car, soon. Especially when Zyanya was released from the hospital.

  "This might not be the white picket fence but it's still nice. It's going to be home for the next little while, at least until your cousin is out of hospital. Which is hopefully soon."

Hope, who was surprisingly wake and alert, cooed back.

  "Welcome to Los Angeles. Hope."

She walked inside the house, lugging the car seat and the baby bag in along with her, then set Hope and the bag down on the coffee table.

Even though she was an Original vampire, and vampires in general weren't really supposed to feel tired, all the driving with a new born baby had her exhausted.

Falling onto the couch with a sigh, she closed her eyes, merely wanting to take a short nap. Unfortunately, Hope decided otherwise.

The newborn let out a shrill and the blonde jumped into action.

  Xóchitl thanked her Uber driver before getting out, she was so exhausted she could barely keep her eyes open. Knowing she wouldn't make it home safely if she drove, she ordered an Uber and left the car for Citlali to drive home.

She had had one of her hardest days at the hospital so far, she'd lost two kids and a baby.

Xóchitl made it to the front door when she saw Rebekah's car in the driveway. Walking inside, she closed the door behind her.

   "Hey you're bac—" she froze at the sight in front of her.

Rebekah was holding a wailing baby. Pacing back and forth with the newborn in her arms while rocking it.

Her brows pinched together in confusion, "Who's white baby is that?"

"Oh, you're home. Any updates on Zyanya? Can she come home?"

Xóchitl shook her head, "Not yet... I'm sorry who's baby is that?"

  "My brother's. Didn't Citlali tell you?"

Xóchitl shook her head, "No, she forgot to mention that there was another baby that had an original parent. who technically isn't supposed to exist." She sarcastically said.

Setting her bag down, she went straight to the bathroom to wash the bad day off of her. Once changed, she wrapped her hair in a towel and walked back out into the living room. Wincing immediately when she entered the room.

   "It's still crying."

   "Yes, I don't know what to do?"

   "Have you feed it?"

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