The Beginning

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  XÓCHITL LET OUT A BORED SIGH, she'd rather be spending the evening teaching spells to the little ones of the coven than be in some podunk town

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  XÓCHITL LET OUT A BORED SIGH, she'd rather be spending the evening teaching spells to the little ones of the coven than be in some podunk town. She was positive they only had one gas station, and was sure it was the one they had just passed.

"Why did I have to come?" Xóchitl groaned, "I'm not even supposed to be here. Technically, I'm not even supposed to leave the commune."

"We don't live on a commune, we're not a cult." Citlali argued, but she did have to agree with her on everything else she just said.

"Well, it feels like it sometimes." Xóchitl said.

"I'm sorry for you being–"

"Put in a timeout." Xóchitl cut her off.

"Well, can you blame them? You were the one stupid enough to get caught using expression magic–"

"You used expression magic all the time, you even got caught and weren't even punished, how is that any fair?" Xóchitl protested.

Citlali sighed, it was exhausting constant hearing her cousin whine all the time about her punishment, so much so that she contemplated unbuckling and pushing Xóchitl out of the moving vehicle, "Okay, I did not get caught using expression magic, it was black magic." she glared over at her cousin, "It's not the same and you know it. You used expression for fun, I used it to stop my brother from trying to make merging a thing."

"I still don't get why you didn't get in trouble for the black magic?"

Citlali slowly inhaled, held it for a few second before exhaling, she really was running out of patience, "It's because I'm basically next in line and have to be trained in all crafts of magic. Plus, I told you not to use it anywhere near the elders, and to not get caught hanging out with Valentina. All you had to do was see her outside of the coven."

Xóchitl scoffed, hating how there was this line of 'royal succession' for coven leader, and the next person in line (thank the gods that it was a different case with Eztli) was always given lighter punishments than the rest of the coven. The rest of them common folk however had to jump through so many hoops when it came to earning the elders trust back. She watched the cows go by and hoped it wouldn't smell like manure the whole time they were there, "I just wanted to help her."

"I know, but you should've been smarter about it."

She knew Citlali was right, she could have been smarter and  it was idiotic of her to perform the spell on the coven's land, "Where's your mom? I thought she was supposed to ride with us?"

"She should be right behind us," Citlali said, looking into the rearview mirror, only to see nothing but road, cows, and fields, "She had to speak to the elders, but wanted us to get there as soon as possible."

"Are you sure she's gonna make it in time? We're almost to the town." Xóchitl asked.

Citlali shrugged, before they left she had asked her mother if she was joining them but was brushed off by one elder and instructed to go find Eztli by another, "I don't know, but we can handle ourselves." At least, that's what she hoped, prayed even.

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