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XÓCHITL FINISHED PACKING UP THE BABIES BAGS, packing a few things into the diaper bag, stuffing one last baby blanket before zipping the bag up.

"There, she's all packed up." She huffed out.

"What time are they coming for her?" Citlali asked her mother.

"In about an hour." Dayami said, rocking the infant in her arms.

Rebekah was feeding her niece while watching Zyanya have tummy time on the floor, with Val cooing at her down next to her.

Zyanya was attempting to lift up her head, but no matter how hard she tried she just couldn't.

"Stás haciendo tan bien, mamas." Valentina cooed. She looked over at the blonde, "When Hope is going back?" Val wondered, she didn't actually think the baby would be here for this long.

She sighed, "Not for a while, not til it's safe for her to go back."

Xóchitl walked over and took a seat next to Val, "Can't we just go and put the Nola witches in their place?"

Dayami shook her head, her plate was full enough as it was, the last thing she needed was to deal with a cult like coven of witches, "Absolutely not, they are too much of a pain and backstabbing is their m.o. Not to mention they will probably curse us."

There was a knock at the door, Dayami went over and answered the door. She was pleasantly surprised to see Juliet at the door, "Hello," Dayami moved aside to let her come inside, "Come in."

"Thank you for watching after her." Juliet thanked her.

"No problem, she was an angel." She said, handing over the baby.

Citlali stood and walked over to them, "Do you have a car seat?"

"Uh, no. I don't..." Juliet trailed off, her attention quickly shifted over to Valentina, her face quickly scrunched up in disgust, "What is she doing here?"

Dayami stepped in front of her, making sure to block her view from the babies, and the two vampires, "That's none of your business. I helped you out and you come into my home and accuse—"

Juliet instantly backtracked, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-I apologize."

Dayami forced a smile, "Okay, if that's all, I think it's best you should get going." It was more of a demand than a suggestion.

Juliet nodded, "Thank you, again."

Citlali quickly ran and grabbed P's car seat, then ushered Juliet out the door, "Here this is her's. I'll help you install it."

Xóchitl stood, walked over to Juliet and handed the diaper bag to her, "Here. Have safe travels." Once the door was closed behind her, Xóchitl groaned out, "God, why are Seattle witches always—"

"I thought she was from some coven in Portland." Valentina said.

"They are from Oregon." Dayami confirmed.

Xóchitl shook her head, "No, remember last summer when the elders took a trip to Seattle for some conference thing and she was there. Which means she's from Seattle."

"Do you think she's gonna be any trouble?" Valentina asked.

Witches in general had a hatred towards vampires, and the Pacific Northwest covens werent any different, in fact they were a bit more anti-vampire than their own coven. It almost rivaled the New Orleans witches.

Dayami shook her head, "No. We're more powerful than them, they wouldn't want to challenge us."

Citlali reentered the home with a sigh, "She's lowkey a bitch."

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