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AS MORE PEOPLE FILTERED IN, Rebekah held her daughter closer, using Zyanya's presence as a coping mechanism. She felt like the outsider she obviously was and like she was imposing on a sacred ritual. She was so anxious that her palms were getting sweaty.

She was getting starting to second guess this whole thing, especially coming. Was it an important life moment in her daughter's life, yes. But being in a room with filled with witches from the most powerful coven to ever exit who most likely then not hated vampires. Which didn't bode well for her, she was after all an original vampire.

She wasn't entirely sure what that would mean for her daughter.

But she was the granddaughter of the coven leader, so Rebekah wasn't too worried about it.

Rebekah should have let Dayami and Citlali bring Zyanya here themselves, she trusted them enough to protect her daughter, even though she had only known them a few months.

The chattering came to a complete stop when the church door opened again, Rebekah turned around and in walked a group of older witches, who she assumed were the six elders.

Citlali reached out and grabbed hold of Rebekah's arm, the blonde was starting to worry. She wasn't breathing, and Citlali wasn't sure if vampires actually needed oxygen anymore but Rebekah wasn't breathing at all, "It's okay Rebekah." the blonde nodded absentmindedly, but still was not breathing, "I don't know if vampires really need to breathe anymore but you're literally not breathing."

Rebekah said a simple "oh" before taking a few breathes.

Valentina and Xóchitl scurried right past her and over to the back row of pews, they had the same look she had when Nik threatened her with a dagger. Pure fear.

The elders walked down the aisle before taking their seats in the first pew. Dayami continued behind them all the way up to the altar.

"Axkan timh kuali ualakan se yankuitlakatl tlatikpa tosenyelis." Dayami spoke in her native tongue before waving over to Rebekah, motioning for her to hand over the baby. She stood before walking over to the alter and handing her daughter over, then Dayami held up Zyanya, showing her off to the entire coven.

Rebekah stood off to the side, ignoring the glares she got from the senior looking elders, feeling like she was watching a scene straight out of a cult movie where they do the small more palatable rituals before they shoved someone off a cliff or something. The thought made her nauseous.

Valentina and Xóchitl had been forcing her to catch up with all modern media since she was only woken up from her dagger nap two years ago. They were recently forced on the horror genre.

They had stupidly watched Midsommar the night before, which she regretted immensely.

She really did need to stop watching those films, especially before ritualistic witch rituals.

Dayami then handed Zyanya over to Citlali and began to chant as she placed her hand into the water and began stirring. Citlali stripped the baby down to her diaper before handing the white dress to Dayami. Soon, the elders joined in on the chant, which seemed a little suspicious to her but she was completely clueless as to what was being said, but she did trust Dayami and Citlali.

The chanting soon stopped, and Citlali slowly settled the baby down into the vessel. To Rebekah's (and everyone else's) surprise, Zyanya didn't cry like she had expected. She anticipated a loud shrill to fill the church, but her daughter merely let out a soft whine.

Rebekah curiously watched as Dayami pulled her hand out and hovered it over Zyanya's mouth, letting a few drops fall onto the baby's mouth.

The blonde had so many questions right now.

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