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A FEW DAYS HAD PASSED SINCE THEY'RE RETURN FROM FRANCE. Valentina, Xotchil and Citlali had resumed life as usual, with the added task of caring for the baby.

Citlali just finished operating on an infant and was headed to her niece's room, when she got there she found Rebekah asleep in a recliner. Valentina was also there, sitting in a chair scrolling on her phone.

  "She still hasn't left?" Citlali asked, she'd told the blonde original to go home five hours ago.

In the three days they've been there, Rebekah hadn't left the hospital not once, "No. I tried. Told her, she should at least have a shower but she refused."

Citlali went over to the baby's incubator and pulled out her stethoscope to check the infant's heart, "She needs to go out and at least get some sun."

Valentina frowned, she might now be a vampire but she'd only recently been turned, so she wasn't exactly an expert on all things vampire, but she did know for a fact that vampires who don't have daylight rings burn to death in the sun, "Do we even need sun as vampires?" She questioned.

Citlali shrugged, "No, but it won't hurt."

Xóchitl walked in, holding a cup holder with four cups of coffee and a small backpack, "How's the baby doing?"

  "She's good," Citlali said with a smile, "The saline and antibiotics helped clear the pneumonia, except she still needs a little assistance breathing and keeping her temperature. The surgery fixed the tracheoesophageal fistula and it's healing beautifully. Everyone else seems normal."

Xóchitl went over to Rebekah and gently shook her awake, "Hey, wake up."

The blonde startled, "What's wrong? Is she okay?" She sat up, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes before looking over to her daughter.

Citlali nodded, "She's fine. Would you like to hold her?"

Rebekah nodded hesitantly, "I'd like that a lot."

Citlali opened the incubator and delicately lifted up the fragile infant, being careful not to pull on any wires. Then carefully moving over to the recliner and gently placing the baby on Rebekah's chest.

The blonde stared down at her, astonished by the sight of her, "I still can't fathom how tiny she is." She stroked the baby's back.

  "Well, she was born 19 weeks early." Citlali said, then looked over to her cousin, "How are the rest of my patients?"

Even though her cousin hadn't finished medical school, Citlali still let Xóchitl round on her patients and even practice some medicine.

  "Most of them are stable, baby in 1263 had a seizure but I gave him medicine. He's fine now." Xóchitl replied, then looked over at the baby's incubator and noticed there was still no name on it, "Rebekah," the blonde hummed in response, so she continued, "She needs a name, we can't keep calling her baby for the rest of her life."

"I agree." Valentina said.

Rebekah hummed once more, "What about Miracle?"

Citlali forced a smile, having to hold back on what she actually wanted to say, "It's... a name, a nice one."

Xóchitl followed her cousin's lead, "Sounds–"

Valentina decided to go a different route, the truth, "Awful. Don't lie to her. It's a horrible name."

Xóchitl nodded, "She's right. I'm not letting my niece be named that."

Rebekah frowned, she really thought it was a nice name, "It's not so bad. She is a literal miracle."

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