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She stared down at the crib, there lay a tiny infant with the most angelic face she'd ever seen

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She stared down at the crib, there lay a tiny infant with the most angelic face she'd ever seen. The baby stared back at her with deep amber cat like eyes with such wonder in them. Rebekah couldn't explain or understand it but she knew for a fact that this baby was her's. Which was ridiculous, since it was physically impossible for her to have a child but she couldn't shake the feeling off.

Watching the baby kick it's legs brought a smile to Rebekah's face, she reached her hand out to touch the baby, but before she could reach for her the child quickly began to disappear

   Rebekah gasped awake, a thin layer of sweat lay on her body causing strands of her hair to stick to her forehead, it was as if her hybrid brother bit her and she was goin through the withdrawal. Then there was the unexplainable excruciating ache in her heart. She had been having this same dream for months, it felt worse then any nightmare she'd ever had before. Which, she found odd, since it wasn't anywhere near the gore she'd experience in her very long lifetime.

Each time she woke up, all she felt was pain and the sense of something or more specifically someone watching her. Rebekah couldn't quite shake off the feeling, no matter how hard she tried.

She always felt restless and would get up to get a glass or two of bourbon (more like five) to give her enough of a buzz to calm her mind but decided against it this time. Rebekah rolled over onto her side and furrowed further under the covers before taking a few deep breaths as she continued to stare up at the ceiling, hoping drift off into a dreamless sleep soon.


   Citlali sat outside with one of the youngest members of the coven, Carla who had just turned six, it was her turn to teach the young ones, each member of the coven was a obligation to volunteer and teach the younger ones. Carla was having trouble throughout the whole lesson, so Citlali stayed longer to help the girl bring the dead rose back to life.

    "Carla, concentrarte," the little girl continued to be distracted by all the bugs crawling around in the dirt, with a particular orange ladybug catching her attention, "You have to focus and leave the ladybug alone."

The little girl huffed out and pouted, "I want the ladybug."

Citlali was about to redirect the little girl back to the dead rose, when a shrieking sound came  from her brother's trailer that was quickly cut off.

It was never a good sign when any noises came from her brother's trailer.

She stood, helping the girl to her feet, "Go back to your mom. I'll find you later." Citlali pushed the girl into the hacienda's direction.

Sensing the urgency in Citlali's voice, the little girl ran straight through the hacienda doors, shutting them behind her. Citlali hurriedly spelled them shut once the girl was safely inside, then darted in the opposite direction towards her brother's trailer.

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