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THROWING HER PHONE ON THE COUCH, and let herself fall onto it.

She had been on the phone for over three hours and it was getting late.

Valentina walked through the front door with take out in her arms and a blood bag for the blonde. She walked over to them, setting the food down on the coffee table.

   "Sorry, there was a long ass line." Valentina said.

Citlali waved her off, reaching over to the blonde and ripping the phone from her grip, "Leave Xóchitl alone. It's late and she has a job to do. Taking care of Zyanya isn't her only task."

Rebekah snatched the phone back, "Well, if you hadn't banned me from entering the NICU. I wouldn't have to bother Xóchitl."

  "You can't spend all your time there Rebekah." Citlali said.

Valentina nodded, she hated being at the hospital all the time, "She's right. Being in a hospital twenty four-seven is honestly depressing. You have a sick kid, we get it but you need to get out and take care of yourself. Even if it's only for a couple hours."

Rebekah knew they had a valid point, but her daughter was delicate and didn't want to spend a second away from her in case... well, she didn't even want to think about that.

Rebekah grabbed the blood bag and her take out, then leaned back into the couch, "Fine, if you're going to keep me here hostage, then at least keep me entertained."

Citlali frowned, "How?"

"Tell me about my deceased baby daddy? What was he like?" She asked.

Both Valentina and Citlali groaned.

Citlali rolled her eyes, "Really? You could've picked any other subject and you choose that one."

Rebekah opened the blood bag and took a sip, "Well, I'd like to be prepared with the warning signs. Just in case, god forbid, Zyanya turns out to be like him."

Citlali scoffed, she didn't need that to be spoken out into the universe, she reached for her box of food and said, "Don't say that. You're just going to jinx her."

  "Better knock on wood." Valentina joked.

Citlali sighed, she wanted to shove all the memories of her brother in a little box, lock it then throw the box in the in the middle of the ocean. But she knew Rebekah and Zyanya deserved to hear about him.

  "He was the best big brother when we were little. Loving, sweet and protective," Rebekah could extremely relate, given her rocky relationship with her own brother, "He taught me how to ride a bike, and would show me how to perform fun spells that our mom banned. Would sneak us snacks before dinner and after bedtime. He'd make me bracelets all the time."

Valentina hummed, harshly swallowing her food to get a word in, "I remember those, he made me three of them."

  "He'd just turned twenty, when something in him snapped. He became withdrawn,obsessed with power, and with becoming coven leader."

  "Which doesn't have all that much power," Valentina said, "It's like being president. It's the elders who hold most of the power, they're like the Supreme Court. Then the most powerful witches of the next generation, which is us," she pointed to herself and Citlali, then remembered she was no longer a witch, "I mean them. They're like Congress."

Now that she thought about it, Valentina had a point. "She's not wrong," Citlali said, refusing to outright agree with her, "He just got so violent."

   "Violent how?" The blonde asked.

  "Violent as in wanting to kill anyone and everyone, for the smallest of reasons," Valentina stated, "He once almost set me on fire because I had the audacity to inform him dinner was ready."

   "He wanted all the power, thought I was lying when I said I didn't l want to be coven leader. A few months ago, he tried killing me but my mom him, so he ran away. It was no secret he was into some shady shit, so we looked through his room and found some papers lining out his plan. And here we are."

"For someone who thought themselves to be a genius, he wasn't very bright." Valentina joked.

Rebekah blankly stared at them, "And the coven?"

    "Slightly less psycho than him, old human sacrificing elders that love to gain power." Valentina said jokingly, "Which equals a dead baby."

Rebekah whipped her head over to Havana so fast, the surgeon was concerned about whiplash. She can tell the blonde is on the verge of killing them... mostly Valentina.

  "No one's killing Zyanya," she assured Rebekah then turns to Valentina, "Shut the hell up, you aren't allowed to speak anymore."

Valentina sighed out, "I'm sorry. It genuinely sounded funny in my head."

  "Your jokes suck." Rebekah said.

    "She was just kidding—"

Valentina cuts her off, "Not exactly. You'll still have to sacrifice something from her."

Citlali sent another glare at Valentina before quickly explaining to Rebekah, "She doesn't mean sacrificing the baby. It's more of an offering. Tlaloc is the supreme god of rain, earthly, fertility and water," she explained, "it's thought that children's tears create a kind of sympathetic magic. We just collect the tears then do a little ceremony for show because we now know that we don't have to sacrifice people for rain and such. We still do it—"

  "To keep traditions alive." Valentina droned.

Rebekah let out a sigh of relief, this was beginning to be way too much, "That's great."

   "Also, we don't sacrifice people anymore and we haven't for a long time, like hundreds of years."

Valentina scoffed, "That's not true. Wasn't there one like a ninety years ago?"

Citlali rolled her eyes, "Because he was being a creep to all the little kids and that was his punishment." She looked over at Rebekah, "We take the safety of the children very seriously."

   "That's very comforting."

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