Chapter 4: First Encounter and Rise of OHU

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It's only been a month since the treaty was signed by Kedah and Davao City. Both of the states have fully reformed their states into independent nations called Federation of Kedah and Davao Republic.

Under the Organisation of Humanity Union, they are able to connect with each other via land by reconstructing the North-South Highway, which is now called Kedah-Davao Highway. Extending as far as 140 KM from Kepala Batas to the outskirts of Binugao, although it's just a simple road due the Asphalt still being limited, it's at least to support the current traffic.

With both of the nations problems resolved as Kedah with their electricity crisis and Davao with their food outrage. They are now able to support each other. With the mobilization of their army due to threats from the outside world, they must prepare.

But one day, Civilians in Kepala Batas were surprised when the horse carriage that looked expensive and royal arrived at the border of the nation of Kedah.

Kedah's Border Regiment and Davao Reinforce Border Guard quickly go to the scene, That is a sign that they need to prepare for the worst. Despite never meeting each other, it seems that there is no language barrier between the OHU Forces and somewhat to be Princess of Elf.

They called themselves, Kingdom of Ngikaval and they are elf. Which is very surprisingly. A while ago, OHU appointed Vincent Gracia, Members of Parliament of Davao's 2nd district as OHU's representative to the outside world and now he will start his job.

"Hello, my name is Princess Lumia of Xadia and heir of Lkaval Dynasty." The Princess says Politely.

"Oh, Hello, Princess Lumia.. My name is Vincent, what bring you here?" Gracia Asks.

The princess politely answered, "Well, i heard some news about a city transferred here"

Gracia Reply, "Well, yeah... We still figure out about everything..."

"Oh, fantastic." Princess stand up, "Now if you excuse me, Im will back to my kingdom. We may see again in future... Uhmm..."

"OHU, just call us by our alliance pact." Gracia Says.

"Ah OHU, we may see again..." Princess Lumia quickly enters her horse carriage and goes back to her nation.

Later in OHU's Council

Because of the incident, the OHU's Council been in chaos. Everybody arguing about our choice that may effect the pact.

"Order!" The Speaker says, "Now, I know few events recently cause of panic and even more questions, with some elf stuff, outside world's nations and what so ever."

"Now, we here gathering to discuss our future. Recently, our IT cooperation was able to recreate the internet despite our limited resources and capabilities to produce the hardware, luckily, some of our citizens donated some of their old hardware."

"Now for the main topic, The outside world, which is still foreign to us. We don't know what nations far from here, Recently, we sent most of our PC-7 to patrol around our territory. Based of the report, in range of 100 to 200 Km, there is no nations nearby. Meaning, we can expand slowly to gain resources to increase our industry capacity especially military."

One of Kedah Representative stand, "Yes, it's correct... We recently just finished building our first naval base, which can fit few patrol ships, which we don't have. Even though we have a factory build next to the base, we still lack of some materials."

"If the factory is able to fully run, we will be able to produce at least 2 small vessels within 8 months."

"Now we able secure our sea, how about ground force?" Representative of Davao asks.

"We slowly mobilize our army and estimated to have at least 5,000 personnel and 8,000 more still in training." Speakers says.

As the OHU expanded their territory to connect with each other, they may suspect there may be oil available near their border, and this was the second major project. Near the beach area, there is a plain field that is suspected to have oil. The pact will teamwork to gain the resources.

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