Ein's house

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Ein was just chilling out, not really doing anything except counting his gold on his couch, when suddenly, Zane crashed in.

*Ein's roof breaks* 

Ein: "Ahh!!!!! Get away! You can't have my gold! Anything but tha-" Ein screams so loud that you couldn't have heard the roof falling inside his house if you wanted to. But that was just Ein.

Zane: "I'm not here for your gold, Ein. I just needed a place to land and- oh..." Zane branches off, seeing the broken roof and saw dust that was coming in.

Ein: ""Oh"? That's what you say about my roof?!" Ein says, clearly not amused or confused about why Zane just went through his roof, or why he broke it in the first place.

Zane: "Well actually, I planned on landing on it, not THROUGH it..sorry." Zane replies nervously, while trying not to laugh. "Karma" Zane thinks, since Ein's always blowing things up anyway.

Ein: "Well I hope your happy! Do you know how many pieces of people's house's roofs I had to steal from?!" Ein blurts out, then emmidiently covers his mouth, knowing Zane would freak out if he found out some of the roof was from Aphmau's house.

Zane: "everyone's?" Zane calmly asks, and Ein replies with no remorse or thoughts about what Zane was saying.

Ein: "exactly!!" Ein said, thinking that Zane got where he was coming from.

Zane: "EVERYONE'S?" Zane re-asks, implying that he also stole from Aphmau's house. Then there was a long pause, and Ein realized his mistake.

Ein:" yeah, so- wait a minute. I'm in trouble now , aren't I?" He asks, hoping for a different answer than 'yes' from Zane, but what he got wasn't what he was looking for.

Zane: "I'll give you a 5 second head start *pulls out enchanted netherite sword*." And with that, Zane starts the countdown.

Ein: "aaaaAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" Ein screams while running away from the man with the sword.

Zane: "1..2..5!" Zane shouts, letting Ein know Zane was not going to have mercy, especially since Ein stole from Zane's best friend, aphmau.

Ein: "Aphmau!!! Heeelllpppp!!!!" Ein shouts, hiding behind the short lady, making her giggle a bit.

Aphmau: "*giggles* what is going -woah, Zane!" Aphmau exclaims, shocked at seeing her friend chase Ein up and down the hub.

Zane: "oh hi aph, what's up?" Zane says ever so calmly, as if nothing had happened at all.

Aphmau POV: "that was a quick mood swing" she thought, because it was a very quick transition from one mood to another, but then again, this was Zane. It happens all the time.

Aphmau: "um, why do you have your sword out while chasing Ein?" She asks nervously.

Zane: "He broke INTO your HOUSE, stole some of your ROOF, and you're asking why I'm chasing him?" Zane replied, mad as Katelyn when she first was caught off guard by Travis.

Aphmau:" good point. When did you get back, and what happened? Where were you?" She really did think it was a good point, but was also curious about what happened with Zane's disappearance.

Zane: "I was meeting my 'real' parents." Zane said, knowing that he'd have to explain.

Aphmau: "What?" Aphmau asks, befuddled. That was new.

Zane: "aph, this is going to sound really weird, but my real parents are not Zianna and Garte. They are actual angels and demons, and I'm a mix of both. I've been training to try and use my powers, but you're gonna have to forget this. Sorry Aph." Zane says, and wipes what he just told her out of her mind, so he also didn't have to feel guilty about lying.

Aphmau: "Wait wha- *gets memory wiped* what were we talking about again?" She asked, not having a clue about what happened.

Zane: "nothing of importance 😏" Zane replies, and proceeds to chase Ein again.

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