Chapter 3.

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The Discovery

After his harrowing encounter with Hiroshi and the inexplicable transformation of his hands into claws, Kiyoko ran back home, his heart pounding with fear and confusion. He looked down at his hands one more time, half-expecting to see the claws still there, but they had returned to their normal state. His fingertips were healed, no trace of the strange appendages that had appeared moments ago.

As he stepped through the door of his house, his mother gasped at the sight of him. Her eyes widened in alarm as she took in the bruise on his face, the faded marks around his neck. Questions tumbled from her lips, concern etched into every line of her face.

"What happened, Kiyoko? Are you alright?" she asked, her voice trembling with worry. Kiyoko hesitated, unsure of how to explain what had just occurred. He knew his mother wouldn't understand, couldn't understand the truth of what was happening to him. But he also couldn't bear to lie to her, not when she looked at him with such fear and concern.

"I... I got into a fight," he admitted reluctantly, his voice barely above a whisper. His mother's eyes widened in shock, her hand flying to her mouth. "A fight? With who? Are you hurt?" she asked, her voice filled with a mixture of fear and disbelief.

Kiyoko nodded, his gaze falling to the floor. "It was Hiroshi and his friends. They... they cornered me at school," he explained, his voice barely audible. His mother's expression softened, and she stepped forward, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Oh, Kiyoko, I'm so sorry. Are you okay?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Kiyoko nodded, forcing himself to meet her gaze. "I'm fine, Mom. Just a bruise," he assured her, trying to sound braver than he felt. But his mother could see through the façade, could see the fear and uncertainty in his eyes. She pulled him into a tight embrace, holding him close as if trying to shield him from the world's cruelty.

"It's going to be okay, Kiyoko. We'll figure this out together," she whispered, her voice filled with love and reassurance. Kiyoko clung to his mother, feeling a sense of comfort and safety wash over him. But even as he held her close, his mind raced with questions and doubts. 

What had happened to him back there? 

And what was he going to do now?

As he buried his face in his mother's shoulder, Kiyoko knew one thing for certain: he couldn't hide from the truth any longer. Whatever was happening to him, he needed to face it head-on, no matter how terrifying it might be.  

<------------------------T I ME _ S K I P------------------------->

After dinner, Kiyoko's exhaustion finally caught up with him. The day's events had left him physically and emotionally drained. He climbed into bed, pulling the covers over himself, and quickly fell into a deep slumber.

As Kiyoko's body slept, his soul awakened. A faint, glowing outline of a wolf emerged from his sleeping form, hovering in the air. The ethereal wolf stared down at the body on the bed, a sense of bewilderment in its eyes.

"What the hell?... Is that me?" Kiyoko muttered, his voice echoing in the stillness of the night.

He looked at his sleeping body, feeling a strange disconnection and an eerie sense of self-awareness. Slowly, he floated down to the floor. The spiritual connection deepened, and the glowing outline shifted and solidified into the form of a wolf. Kiyoko, now in the shape of a wolf, glanced around the room with heightened senses. Every sound was amplified, every shadow sharper. The world looked different, more vibrant, and alive in this form.

Kiyoko would step fore-ward to the mirror looking at his Form he'd taken over. He was A tall, Masculine Built wolf with the pelt Of A tan Timbre wolf. the underbelly seemed fluffy, Coated in a Cream coloured white. his Eyes Were Cyan Blue. he looked to his paws. with freckles of a golden light tan that would seem to cover over from his paw to his lower legs.

He debated between testing this new body he was in or trying to find a way to return to his human form. With a slight shrug, curiosity won over caution. He sneaked out of his window, careful not to make any noise, and slipped out into the yard.

As he retraced his steps towards the forest, the city around him seemed to fade away. The night was alive with sounds and smells he had never noticed before. His nose twitched as he caught a lingering scent of another wolf, faint but distinct.

The scent intrigued him, and his wolf instincts urged him to follow it. He moved swiftly and silently, his new form making the journey effortless. The closer he got to the forest, the stronger the scent became, mingled with the rich, earthy smells of nature.

Kiyoko paused at the edge of the forest, his ears perked up and his nose twitching. The scent trail led deeper into the woods, and he felt a strange pull, a connection that beckoned him to follow. With a deep breath, he ventured into the forest, his senses guiding him.

The forest was a different world at night. Shadows danced between the trees, and the sounds of nocturnal creatures filled the air. Kiyoko moved with a newfound grace and agility, his wolf form allowing him to navigate the terrain with ease. As Kiyoko followed the scent, he felt a growing sense of familiarity and anticipation. The forest seemed to welcome him, the rustling leaves and whispering winds guiding his path. He felt alive in a way he had never experienced before, his spirit in harmony with the wild.

He caught sight of movement ahead and instinctively pounced, tackling the figure to the ground. They rolled together in a flurry of limbs and fur, coming to a stop with Kiyoko pinning the other down.

"Get off me!" the figure yelled, pushing against him. It was a boy around his age, with wild reddish Dark Brown hair and fierce green eyes. This was Thomas, the wolf Kiyoko had scented.

Kiyoko shifted back, releasing Thomas and stepping away. "Who are you?" he asked, his voice trembling with a mix of excitement and fear. Thomas scrambled to his feet, glaring at Kiyoko. "I should be asking you that. Why did you attack me?"

"I didn't mean to," Kiyoko stammered. "I just... I felt the pull and followed it." Thomas's expression softened slightly as he studied Kiyoko. "You're new to this, aren't you?"

Kiyoko nodded, his heart still racing. "Yeah, I don't understand what's happening to me. "Thomas sighed . "Come with me. I think I can help you. "Reluctantly, Kiyoko followed Thomas deeper into the forest. They moved quickly, the moonlight casting eerie shadows on the ground. Kiyoko couldn't shake the feeling that something profound was about to happen.

Finally, they reached a hidden grove, where the air felt charged with ancient energy. Thomas turned to Kiyoko, his eyes serious. "You need to understand what you are. We're Wolf walkers, beings who can shift between human and wolf form. It's a gift, but it comes with great responsibility."

Kiyoko's mind raced with questions. "But why me? How did this happen? "Thomas shook his head. "I don't know. But I do know that you have to learn to control it, or it will control you." As Thomas spoke, Kiyoko felt a strange sense of kinship with him. They were connected by this shared fate, and he realized that Thomas might be the key to understanding his new identity.

Over the next few nights, Thomas taught Kiyoko how to harness his wolf abilities. They ran together through the forest, their spirits intertwined with the wild. Kiyoko learned to embrace his dual nature, finding strength and confidence he never knew he had. One evening, as they rested by a stream, Kiyoko turned to Thomas. "Why are you helping me?"

Thomas looked up at the stars, a distant look in his eyes. "Because someone once helped me. And because I believe that together, we can protect this forest and its secrets."
Kiyoko nodded, feeling a sense of purpose settle within him. He knew that his journey was just beginning, but with Thomas by his side, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The bond between them grew stronger each day, their shared destiny guiding them through the mysteries of the wild. And as Kiyoko embraced his identity as a Wolf walker.

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