Chapter 12.

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  The Revelation

Kiyoko's POV

As I searched for a response on my mother's face, it remained blank. Then, she let go of my hands and burst out laughing, holding her stomach as she laughed. Moments after her little tantrum, she wiped away the tears from her eyes.

"That's hilarious, Kiyoko," she giggled. I frowned, feeling a weight settle in my chest. "Well then, looks like I have to show you since you don't believe me." With another sigh, I lay down on her bed, closing my eyes and willing myself to fall into a quick slumber.

Within moments, my spirit of a wolf walker leapt out of my physical body, taking the form of my timber wolf. As I shifted, I glanced at my mother, who was now watching with a curious expression. Sitting on my hind legs like a dog, I stared at her, waiting for the realization to dawn.

Her eyes widened as she took in the sight before her. "WHAT THE FUCK!" she cursed loudly, her voice echoing in the room. She looked back and forth between my physical body, lying peacefully on the bed, and my wolf form, standing alert and very real before her.

She stumbled back, her hand covering her mouth. "Kiyoko... is that... is that really you?" she whispered, her voice trembling. I nodded slowly, keeping my wolf gaze fixed on her. She took a tentative step forward, reaching out as if to touch me, but hesitated. The reality of what she was seeing started to sink in, and her eyes filled with a mixture of awe and fear.

"I can't believe this... it's true," she murmured, more to herself than to me. She finally reached out, her hand brushing against my fur. The contact seemed to solidify the truth for her, and she pulled her hand back, looking at me with a mix of emotions.

"I never thought... I mean, the stories... they were just stories," she said, her voice trailing off as she continued to stare at me. "But you're real... you're really a wolf walker."

I gave a low, comforting growl, trying to reassure her. Slowly, the fear in her eyes began to fade, replaced by a cautious acceptance. She sat down on the bed beside my human body, her hand resting gently on my shoulder.

"I don't understand everything, but... I'm here for you, Kiyoko," she said softly. "We'll figure this out together."

With a final nod, I allowed myself to relax, knowing that my mother was finally beginning to understand.

<--------------------T I M E _ S K I P---------------------->

After my mother finally understood, it was time for me to jump back into my physical body. She watched as my wolf walker form became see-through, outlined by a golden glow, before turning into a spirit-like version and seeping back into my body. My eyes fluttered open, and I sat up. My mother gasped, a mix of shock and awe in her expression. Knowing her, she would never get used to seeing that happen.

"Why did you only tell me now?" my mother asked, her voice filled with concern.

"It was a precaution," I explained. "At first, Thomas said no one should know and that we should stay a myth to the humans. However, we ran into a struggle. The ex-mayor plans to demolish the forest. He hurt Thomas's mother in her wolf form. We're not safe here, Mother." I wore a sad look as I spoke, feeling the weight of the situation.

My mother nodded in understanding and hugged me tightly. I hugged her back, finding comfort in her embrace. Moments later, I pulled back slightly to look at her. "Thomas has asked us to leave. That includes myself, Hiroshi, the pack, and you," I said softly, lowering my head as her eyes remained fixed on me.

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