Chapter 10.

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Eye Spy.


  It was late at night, and instead of running with the group, Casper had other plans. The group he had met was already suspicious of him, and rightfully so. Dressed in all black, Casper drove to the ex-mayor's house on the outskirts of the city, his heart pounding with both anticipation and dread.

The ex-mayor's mansion loomed ahead, dark and foreboding. Casper parked his car a few blocks away and walked the rest of the distance, moving stealthily through the shadows. The house was dimly lit, with only a few lights on inside, giving it an eerie, almost abandoned look.

Casper approached the back entrance, where a hidden keypad allowed him access. He entered a code and slipped inside, moving through the familiar halls with practiced ease. He had been here many times before, each visit reinforcing his role as the ex-mayor's spy.Casper reached the study where the ex-mayor was waiting.

 The man was tall and gaunt, with a hawkish nose and piercing eyes that seemed to see right through him. The ex-mayor looked up from his desk, a cruel smile playing on his lips. "Casper," he said, his voice smooth and menacing. "Right on time. What news do you bring?"

Casper took a deep breath, steeling himself. "The group is still suspicious of me, but they trust me enough to let me join their scouting missions. They haven't taken me to their den, though. They're being very careful."

The ex-mayor nodded, his smile widening. "Good. Keep it that way. We can't afford any mistakes. The forest needs to be cleared, and those wolf walkers are the only thing standing in our way."

Casper's heart sank, but he kept his expression neutral. "What's the plan?" The ex-mayor leaned back in his chair, his eyes gleaming with malice. "Tomorrow night, we set the fire. It will be big enough to wipe out the forest and any evidence of those creatures. Once the land is cleared, I can reclaim my position as mayor and begin the construction of new buildings. This city will be mine again."

Casper nodded, swallowing hard. He was trapped, a prisoner turned spy, forced to play a role in this destructive plan. The ex-mayor had made sure he had no choice, using threats and manipulation to ensure Casper's compliance.

"Understood," Casper said quietly. "I'll make sure they're distracted when it happens."The ex-mayor's smile turned sinister. "Good. Remember, Casper, your freedom depends on your loyalty. Don't disappoint me."

Casper nodded once more and turned to leave the study, his mind racing. He had to warn Kiyoko and the others, but how could he do it without risking his own life? The ex-mayor's grip on him was tight, and any sign of betrayal could mean the end for him.

As he drove back to the forest, Casper felt a growing sense of dread. The ex-mayor's plan was ruthless, and the forest and its inhabitants were in grave danger. He had to find a way to stop it, to warn his 'new friends' without giving himself away.

However Little Did The Two Outcasts Know they where being Watched By the so called Wolf walkers. The three wolf walkers watched and heard everything. only later to head back home and plan everything out to leave, venture far away...

To be continued................

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