Chapter .7

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  Clash of the Wolves 

 Hiroshi's POV

The sight of the two wolves locked in combat was both terrifying and mesmerizing. Kiyoko, with his dark, sleek pelt, moved with a grace and power that Hiroshi had never seen in a human. The new wolf, with its grey pelt shimmering under the moonlight, was equally formidable, its eyes glowing with a predatory intensity.

Hiroshi and his friends, Kazuo and Takeshi, watched from the edge of the forest, too stunned to move. The sounds of growls, snarls, and the clash of claws filled the night air. It was a battle of titans, and Hiroshi couldn't help but feel a strange connection to the unfolding drama.

As Kiyoko lunged at the grey wolf, Hiroshi saw something familiar in his movements—a blend of human determination and animal instinct. The grey wolf retaliated with a powerful swipe, and Kiyoko was thrown back, landing hard against a tree. Hiroshi's heart leapt into his throat."Kiyoko!" he shouted, but his voice was swallowed by the chaos.

The grey wolf advanced, its teeth bared and eyes gleaming with victory. But Kiyoko wasn't finished yet. With a fierce growl, he surged to his feet and charged, meeting the gray wolf head-on. They collided in a flurry of fur and claws, each fighting with a desperate intensity.

Hiroshi's mind raced. He had to do something, but what? The realization that Kiyoko was a wolf walker—a creature of legend and myth—was hard to process. But seeing him fight for his life, Hiroshi knew he couldn't stand by and do nothing.

"Come on," he urged Kazuo and Takeshi. "We have to help him."

Kazuo looked at him as if he were crazy. "Help him? How? They're wolves, Hiroshi. We can't fight that." Takeshi nodded in agreement, fear etched on his face. "We need to get out of here before we get caught in the crossfire."

But Hiroshi couldn't leave. Not after everything that had happened. Not after realizing that Kiyoko was more than just a school rival. He was part of something bigger, something extraordinary. And despite their past, Hiroshi felt a strange sense of loyalty.

"Fine," he said, determination hardening his voice. "You guys go. I'll stay."

Without waiting for a response, Hiroshi grabbed a large branch from the ground and ran towards the wolves. His heart pounded with fear and adrenaline, but he couldn't let Kiyoko face this alone. As he approached, Kiyoko managed to land a decisive blow, knocking the grey wolf to the ground. 

But before Kiyoko could finish the fight, the grey wolf twisted, its powerful jaws snapping shut around Kiyoko's leg. Hiroshi swung the branch with all his might, aiming for the grey wolf's head. The impact was enough to make the wolf release Kiyoko and turn its attention to Hiroshi.

"Get away from him!" Hiroshi shouted, positioning himself between Kiyoko and the grey wolf.The grey wolf growled, its eyes narrowing. For a tense moment, Hiroshi thought it would attack. But then, with a final snarl, the grey wolf lunged at him, its jaws closing around Hiroshi's arm. He screamed in pain as the wolf's teeth sank into his flesh.

Kiyoko, seeing his Old Bully in danger, summoned his remaining strength and launched himself at the grey wolf, knocking it away from Hiroshi. The grey wolf released Hiroshi and snarled, but before it could retaliate, Kiyoko tackled it to the ground, their bodies rolling in a fierce struggle.

Hiroshi stumbled back, clutching his bleeding arm. The pain was excruciating, but he forced himself to stay on his feet. He couldn't leave Kiyoko now. Not when he was fighting for both their lives. The battle between the two wolves intensified, their growls echoing through the night. With a final, powerful swipe, Kiyoko managed to wound the grey wolf, sending it fleeing into the darkness. Panting heavily, Kiyoko stood victorious, his eyes scanning the area for any further threats.

As the adrenaline began to wear off, Hiroshi felt a wave of dizziness wash over him. His vision blurred, and he fell to his knees, the pain in his arm becoming unbearable. Kiyoko, now weakened and exhausted, limped over to Hiroshi and nudged him gently, his eyes filled with concern.

Hiroshi's vision faded, and the last thing he saw before losing consciousness was Kiyoko's dark eyes, filled with a strange mixture of fear and determination. The forest grew quiet once more, the night reclaiming its silence as the two friends lay side by side, the bond between them stronger than ever before.

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