chapter 14

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(SPOILER! madam red dies in this chap!)

My POV still

Tonight was the ball. I got into my black dress that flared purple at the ends and went to help sebastian get Ciel into his dress.

"Lord Ciel, are you sure you're going as a girl? I'm sure I can handle getting the druit." I asked.

"Even if I didn't everyone would immediately know who I am and he would get suspicious. It is a disguise after all." He said with a very annoyed tone. Sebastian tightened Ciel's corset and his ever so adorable blush spread across his face. "Bloody hell could you make it any tighter you bloody git!"  He scolded the butler.

"My apologies lord, but a lady must look her best when attending a ball." Sebastian said with his smirk.

"Who are you calling a lady!?" Ciel exclaimed. Sebastian finished tightening the corset silencing Ciel and tied it.

"Its only a corset Ciel, you don't need to be so dramatic." I laughed.

"How do you women put up with these death traps?" Ciel huffed falling to his hands and knees.

"Alright lord, now the rest of your dress." Sebastian said. I slipped on one side of the dress while he did the other side. He could've done it himself but if I helped things would move along faster. I did Ciel's hair extensions and positioned his hat so that his right eye was covered. Well, okay given he's in the get up, I fixed her hat.

"I'm glad we have similar hair Ciel." I laughed. "I can pose as your sister." I joked while pulling over a long black glove onto his arm.

"We settled this, given your Sebastian's mate, you are simply his date. Nothing more, nothing less." Ciel said.

"I was joking." I stated.

"Whatever. Go get me some tea, sebastian can finish up here whilst you do so." Ciel ordered.

I bowed, "yes lord ciel." I said.

When I walked out the door I spotted Cullen. "My my, I've never seen you in such a dress Victoria." He said teasingly.

"Oh shut up. I got to help ciel with his dress." I mocked. "I'm getting his tea now."

"Aw you're lucky, I would've loved to hear him whine about the corset in person." Cullen whined. "Was as funny as in the anime, or manga?" He asked.

"Funnier, seeing his blush in person was adorable." I said. We'd been walking whilst talking and reached the kitchen, tea was already on a cart and just had to be delivered.

"I still can't believe you're Sebastian's mate. Mate for crying out-bloody-loud. That means you two are like soulmates or whatever." Cullen said, a pocky between his teeth, like always.

"I know, and the fact I'm a neko." I said. "Totally origanal." I finished sarcastically.

"Just puts a literal turn to you being Sebastian's, kitten." Cullen teased.

I stopped the cart and punched Cullen's arm. "Shut up!" I said pushing the cart once again.

"Oh, seems like grell is in reaper form at the moment." Cullen said while he looked at a wall.

"What? How could you know that?" I asked. "The ball hasn't happened yet."

"I can see through walls and such." Cullen said, his green eyes glowed in a way. "Some sorta power I gained from perverted scientists."

"Well that's a cheerful way to put it." I said. I continued with the cart. "Well, considering I'm human, you're human and grell is a psychopathic shinigami I think its safer to turn a blind eye on this one."

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