chapter 5

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"Lord ciel, why do you have to bring 2 household members to the ball?" I asked desparete to relieve the tension.

Ciel broke away from his thoughts and looked at me. "I guess we're better off telling her. "He paused. "Sebastian."

"Yes my lord." Sebastian nodded before turning to me. "The young lord is trying to solve a case. This case requires him to attend a ball in order to receive information. Young master has decided you'd be a good asset and be a good help in getting this information."

"What would I need to do?"

"That can be explained later. For now let us have a nice cup of tea." Sebastian gave me an evil grin.

Guess being in the anime can make you scared of him more than fangirling over him. Well there's nothing I can do. I do hope they don't find out I know most everything about them. That would be dreadful. I thought exiting the carriage. We went into the drawing room to discuss the party stuff I guess to find madam red and lau looking for the tea.

"Oh ciel, your here at last." Madam red said cheerfully.

"Ah yes the young lord has finally arrived." Lau said smiling.

"Madma red? Lau? What are you doing here?"

"Why we are here to help with the jack the ripper case of course." Madam red said to her nephew.

Why ciel call Scotland yard, the culprit is right here. I desparetely wanted to say. But with a demon and a reaper near me I knew it wasn't a good idea.

So I'd decided I'd make it less of a risk, slightly.

"Lord ciel. Sebastian. May I talk to you both a moment?" I asked slightly hesitant.

"What about?" Ciel gave me a questioning look.

"Um, I just want to ask you something. Its important and I'd prefer if only sebastian was the only other to know." I chose my words carefully.

Ciel gave me a nod, "sebastian, we are going to my study. Let's go." He said.

"Yes my lord." Sebastian replied bowing slightly.

We went to ciels study about 3 rooms away.

"Now what is it you wanted to ask Victoria?" Ciel asked me sitting in his chair.

"Um, well." I was hesitant, not knowing how ciel nor sebastian might react. "I already know who this 'jack the ripper' is. And I know a great deal more than any human should about you and sebastian."

Ciel eyed me with a serious look, "you dare bother me with tedious nonsense?"

"Not at all my lord, its just.......its wouldn't believe me if I told you." I tried explaining.

"Try me. I might be able to understand."

I didn't speak for a few minutes, thinking about how to explain what I was going to say. "Um, well I'm not exactly from this world. Or this year rather." I told him. "Technically I'm from a world 127 years from now and i know most all about demons, reapers, and a little of angels."

Ciels eyes, ehem eye, widened as well as sebastian.

"How did you surcome to such knowledge?" Sebastian asked.

"Uh, well, most everything that has happened since after your contract was sealed because it is all a picture, or a moving picture." I explained. "The 'jack the ripper' case is an important part to it all actually."

No one spoke for a short time, letting the words sink in.

"How did you get here?" Sebastian asked.

"I think its because I died in the real world causing me be 'reborn' in an altered world of this one. Some events would most likely happen, others that are less important may not." I tried to explain nervously. "In case if your wondering I'm nervous because I didn't know how a demon or you would react and whether not I'd be killed for it."

"It is an understandable thought after all most humans should know nothing but what is restricted to them regarding heaven or hell." Sebastian said. "My lord, what shall I do?"

"You will do nothing sebastian." Ciel ordered.

I let out a breath I'd been holding in and relaxed. Until ciels next words.

"Victoria, you will acompany sebastian and I in most everything we do. You will follow me like a shadow and give me the information that I need when I need it. Am I clear?" Ciel ordered.

"Yes lord ciel." I said.

"Good. Now, since you apparently know who is this 'jack the ripper' tell me and we shall see if you are correct."

"You won't be pleased my lord." I warned him. "The culprit I'm afraid is madma red and grell sutcliff."

Sebastian gave no reaction, ciel however stood up and because I was only right in front of his desk he grabbed the collar to my maids dress and pulled me closer to him angrily.

"Do you seriously expect me to believe such profound nonsense!?" He scolded.

"Lord ciel I'm sorry but believe it or not its true." I said to him. "Think, she has the medical skills to excise a uterus out of the prostitute. And whether you chose to believe me or not grell is a reaper."

"Your lying! Just why would madam red do that in the first place?" Ciel snapped throwing me to the ground.

"She was jealous of those women who could have children when she could not. She did it before you had returned and stopped when she saw you, then started again recently. Grell is the only one besides sebastian who could kill those women at their destination and not be known, but because sebastian is restricted to being only by your side without faulter unless your command he could not have done such a thing." I said as I shakily got up.

"She has a point my lord. Though I have the abilities I am only to leave your side by your word. And no such word was given." Sebastian said.

Ciel calmed down and sat, "what evidence do you have to prove your information was worth my time?"

"I have only my words. But I do know one of the victims will be murdered in a few days time. She works at the same hospital as madam red." I said. "Grell kills them and she performs the surgery. Her cynimatic record proves her jealousy and reason for killing."

"'Cynimatic record'?" Ciel asked.

"Its a memory data base reapers collect from the person on the 'to die' list to see what kind of person they are or were. They then store these cynimatic records in  a library when unused as books." I explained.

"My my you have quite a bit of information. Even I did not know that." Sebastian smirked in my direction.

"Well I'm sure you have very little interest in reapers and their hobbies." I said.

"Hmmm. That is correct. I do not care for what reapers do unless it affects my work." Sebastian replied.

"Sebastian." Ciel said to grab his attention.

"Yes my lord?"

"Take Victoria to her room and discuss this information. That is an order."

"Yes sir." Sebastian said leading me out.

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