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Its been not so long since the Engagement broke and here my mom goes again,to go on a date, which is with SIRI....

Just to escape my mom's nagging and anyhow it doesn't work out as siri lost her memories, she would have forgotten me as well. With all these thoughts running in my mind, i reached Siri's house and was greeted by her mother, whom I respectfully addressed as "aunty" and touched her feet for blessings. She smiled warmly and muttered a few formalities, which Ive never been fond of.

Before Siris accident, she often tried to strike up conversations with me, but I always brushed her off.

My past experience with love left a bitter taste; during my teens, I sincerely loved a girl who, due to her family's disapproval, was forced to marry someone else. Since then, I avoided serious relationships. I knew Siri had feelings for me, but the idea of dating her always felt like a direct path to marriage—a commitment I wasn't ready for.

Her memory loss is what gave me the courage to consider dating and marrying her. It's not about love; I don't dislike her either. But ignoring her all these years and now showing up because I have no other choice makes me look like a villain.

I snapped out of my thoughts as Siri entered the living room with her two friends. Her mother scolded her for not being ready, as she was still in shorts and a shirt. I had never seen her like this before. Knowing her almost my entire life, she looked stunning in a way I had never noticed. Her legs—no, Vivek, you can't think of her like that, my conscience warned.

Unbothered by her mom's scolding, she sat in front of me. I wondered if she had always been this beautiful. She introduced herself as if it was our first meeting according to her. She was full of confidence now, unlike the nervous girl who used to tremble whenever she tried to talk to me. I liked this new side of her. Wait, was I already liking her? Her friends were glaring at me as if I were a criminal. I didnt understand why.

Siri introduced her friends, Deepu and Inaya-who seemed to be pregnant.

"Vivek, give me just 10 minutes to get ready," she said.

I was at a loss for words and just nodded.

I thought to myself, any girl who says 10 minutes actually means an hour.

I asked her mother for water. "Oh, I'm so sorry, beta. Let me bring you some cool juice," she said, heading to the kitchen.

Deepu and Inaya continued to glare at me. Trying to break the ice, I asked, "Is that your child?" pointing to a little cute baby who is crawling and playing.

"No! She's my husband's ex-girlfriend's child. I'm just taking care of her till they get back," she replied sarcastically.

I smiled awkwardly as she grinned widely, her expression almost threatening me not to utter another word. So i just shut my mouth.

Siri returned, now wearing a maroon dress with a deep U-neck. "You look pretty. Very pretty," I stammered.

Inaya quipped, "Shes been pretty all her life; only you never acknowledged it."

Before I could respond, aunty came back with the juice.

My throat was dry, so I gulped it quickly. "Mom, we dont want your boring juice. Well drink something tastier," Siri said mischievously, grabbing my wrist and leading me out, waving goodbye to her mother and friends.

The way she held my wrist—I liked her touch. I had dated other girls, but Siri was different. The feeling I had around her was indescribable.

We sat in my car. "So, Vivek, where are we going?" she asked, waiting for my reply. The girls I dated usually asked and answered themselves.

"Siri, youre different," I finally said. She gave me an indifferent "okay" look.

"Lets go eat panipuri," I suggested, guessing she had forgotten the taste. She nodded. During the drive, she asked random questions, looking out the window. I answered patiently. She didnt ask about my past relationships or broken engagement, so I brought it up.

"Dont you want to know about my past and engagement?" I asked.

"No," she said simply.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because I dont know what kind of person I was, so I dont want to talk about the past," she explained.

The Siri I knew was timid, but now she was confident. We reached the panipuri stall, and she tasted her first one since the accident.

Her eyes widened. "Wow, its very tasty," she exclaimed. I chuckled at her reaction.

The vendor, recognizing her, asked, "Madam, today you came with your brother. Where is your soon-to-be husband?" She blinked at him and then laughed at the misunderstanding.

I admired her laugh ignoring what the vendor said. She asked if she used to come here often. The vendor chuckled, "Madam, youre always joking." I explained her memory loss, and he remained silent. She seemed confused and surprised.

To distract her, I asked, "Siri, where should we go next?"

We visited Charminar and bought many bangles—for her, her mom, her friends, and even one for my mom. I admired how she thought of everyone. Initially, I wasnt interested in marrying her, but spending the day with her changed my mind.

She waved her hand in front of my face, snapping me back to reality.

"What were you thinking so hard about?" she asked.

"You. Im thinking about you, about us," I admitted.

She finished her shopping and asked, "Did you already fall for me?" My heart raced.

"Why, dont you like me?" I asked.

The panipuri vendor's words echoed in my mind. We reached the car. She hadnt replied yet. "Take me somewhere quiet, just the two of us," she said, pointing between us.

"Then Ill answer," she promised, and we started our ride.

My heart is going to explode until i hear a positive answer from her. Its not like i have loved her for an enternity nor do i have any rights over her decisions. But she has always loved me so i hope that love still exists in her heart even if she forgets everything. I just HOPE......

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