Volume 1 Chapter 1 - The Car Ride

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I have lived on this earth for nearly 16 years, and each of those years have been spent in almost complete solitude. Surveillance, luminescent lights, synthetic foods, and of course, the absolute shade of white.

While many people struggled to survive in such an environment, I managed to thrive. The only problem with such an environment was its inability to satisfy my boundless curiosity.

Of course, through all of the relentless training, I wasn't alone. My only true friend, Hasegawa Miharu,  had been with me the entire time.

"I haven't gotten used to it yet," a soft voice interrupted my thoughts.

Shifting my gaze from the Japanese landscape, I turned to face Miharu, who was hogging most of the limo's back seat.

"Haven't gotten used to what?"

She glanced at me in amusement.

"I guess I'm just not used to the world having so many bright colours. And why is there some massive glowing thing in the sky?" She joked.



"I agree with you, but I'm wondering how you are managing to make me feel cramped in such a massive car,"

We were being driven to the Advanced Nurturing High School, supposedly an institution leading the country in education, where we were going to live together for the next 3 years.

The sleek limousine that happened to be transporting us boasts 14 seats in total, and yet we were both positioned in the back row, with Miharu lying down over most of it for optimal comfort.

Thank goodness we didn't have to take public transport.

"Oh? But Kiyo-kun, I don't feel cramped at all," she said, flashing a devilish smile. I suppose I will have to deal with half a seat until we arrive.

After becoming the last two subjects of our generation in the White Room, my father made the decision to change the content of our education, including things like social skills, cooking, and other subjects that were previously seen as trivial, seemingly preparing us to properly integrate with society.

We also were made to do all of our tasks together, allowing us to synchronise in terms of fighting along other things. As a result, our bond is nearly unbreakable, and our skills are completely synchronised.

"I wonder why. Matsuo, how long will it take for us to get there?" I asked, deciding to ignore her antics.

"Not long, master. Are you two ready? I've heard that this school is quite unconventional," our beloved butler said.

"Pfft. I'm sure we will manage," Miharu said with a smirk.

"Are you sure? You haven't even buttoned up your uniform properly," I said. Although the entrance exam was shockingly easy, we shouldn't enter a new environment with so much confidence.


Author-san here. This is just a mega-short chapter to get the story published and for me to start writing again, most chapters should be around 4000 words.

Honestly I can't wait to make the later chapters I have some bangers cooking up for you guys.

June 12 2024

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