Volume 1 Chapter 5 - Midterms is calling...

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"Today has been the hardest day of my life. It's not even close," Miharu complained.

After classes were finally over, we made an immediate exit and sought refuge in room 401. Despite all of the attention we were receiving, my thoughts were mostly consumed by what Matsushita had said before I entered the pool.

"It's crazy you have a fan club already. It might not even be worth the 5 extra keycards you can buy now," I tried to improve the mood before moving on to the more important topics.


Ike and Yamauchi must have a more terrifying influence over women than I thought.

"Anyway, there was something much more important that I was meaning to talk to you about."

Miharu barely acknowledged my words.

"You know that Kouenji guy?"

She showed a spark of interest.

"I am almost certain he knows about the white room."

After such an unexpected heavy revelation, she nearly fell off the bed.


"Mhmm. He allegedly told Matsushita something about us before the races that made her pay 'extra attention.'"

Poor Miharu. After one of the most grueling days of her life, she gets hit with another bomb.

"What did he say?"

"I don't exactly know. Well, I obviously didn't really get the chance to ask Matsushita about it afterwards. However, this situation isn't a complete mystery. Remember Kouenji's introduction on the first day?"

With that, a lightbulb appeared above her head. Thankfully her previous gloomy attitude had partly dissipated.

"Ahh, the future leader of the Kouenji Conglomerate. His parents must've been paying our bills."

"Exactly. It also wouldn't surprise me if their awareness of the white room inspired them to give him a more intense upbringing than most."

"Haha, if he's that capable, I honestly don't think this competition between classes in gonna be fair. We should maybe try get his number."

I agreed with her before heading to the kitchen to start cooking dinner, leaving her to wait the bed. Even though I have ownership over room 401, she has already completely colonized it with posters and candles and other weird feminine decorations.


It has been three weeks since the beginning of our high school life, and everyone's behavior in class had only gotten worse. With a lifestyle defined by lavish facilities and a generous allowance, it must be hard for the average student to remain vigilant, especially when the teachers don't do anything about disruptions in class.

The day began when Chabashira-sensei entered the class with a large stack of papers.

"All of you, listen up. It's the end of the month, so you're going to have to do this short test. Don't worry, it's just for future reference. It won't change anything on your report card."

She basically confirmed that justice day is coming, and nobody in the class had the capacity or the will to heed her warning.

"It's almost time, isn't it, Miharu."

"Huh? What?" She looked up from her phone. It looks like she has succumbed to her surroundings.

"You know there's a camera directly above your head. Do you want us to get any points next month or not?"

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