Volume 2 Chapter 4 - Class A's Predicament

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After scanning the cave's machine again, this time in front of countless people, Miharu and I returned to the tree grove, leaving Class A in utter confusion. The students who hadn't caught on to our plan were in for a very rude awakening.

At role call, we shared evidence of Class A's leader with Ichinose, who also fulfilled her side of the bargain, despite four of her classmates retiring due to sickness. We also managed to identify their leader and Shiranami Chihiro after spying on them from above as they scanned their machine. Everything was moving along smoothly.

After role call, it didn't take long for us to return to the cave. However, this time, we confronted Class A in a manner that Katsuragi likely dreaded the most. Our arrival was not taken well, partly due to the fact that we had ten other students following us through the cave entrance.

We thought that Hirata deserved a nice, long break from our belligerent classmates. For that reason, we had told him to pack his things, and bring the group he enjoys lunch with on a short trip. We didn't elaborate on where we were going until the destination was directly in front of us.

The two boys guarding the cave entrance could only watch helplessly as I marched through the curtain, followed by Miharu, Hirata, and a group of 9 nervous girls who still hadn't grasped why they were bringing their belongings into another class's territory.

Katsuragi approached us with a solemn expression. He knew quite well that there was no way to stop me.

"Before we continue, may I ask why you have sacrificed your class to do this?" Katsuragi couldn't understand my thought process in revealing myself as the leader.

"It's nothing personal, Katsuragi. We just made a beneficial deal with Class C." I lied through my teeth.

"What? Ryuuen's involved in this?" He searched for any hints of deception, but my facial expression remained unchanging. As he weighed up the possibilities, a seed of doubt was planted in his mind.

"He also told us about that secret deal you made with his class. He's quite a snake, isn't he?" Miharu added for extra effect.

"Secret deal? What does she mean, Katsuragi?"

Just like that, we knocked down four birds with one stone. Katsuragi's reputation was being dragged through the dirt just as Sakayanagi had wished, the trust between Class A and Class C was completely shattered, and it became increasingly likely that Katsuragi would overlook the rule that leaders can be changed after my willingness to share owned the keycard.

And last but not least, Hirata was about to receive a peaceful four day holiday with a bunch of girls. Lucky him.

Murmurs began to spread around the room, while our classmates were struggling to understand the situation. However, unbeknownst to most of the people in the room, another dramatic twist was about to occur.

I cleared my throat with enough authority to draw everyone's attention.

"You have all been here long enough. Since Class D owns this cave, you must all vacate the area as soon as possible."

"Hey! H-He can't do that, can he?" Yahiko asked nobody in particular. Katsuragi hung his head in despair.

"Unfortunately, Yahiko, he can. Everyone start packing up our food and tents, we have to relocate to another spot."


With thirty-nine workers, it didn't take long for the cave to be completely cleaned out. However, unfortunately, this wasn't the end of Class A's predicament.

(Author note: yo check this chapter name out I did the thing)

As they set off, the weight from the hundreds of litres of water and other necessities wore them down quickly. The jungle's treacherous terrain certainly didn't help either.

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