Volume 1 Chapter 7 - Sudou dies in 4K HD

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(Author Note: the name of this chapter in the og was "Midterm results." Im probably gonna keep making them a bit different)


Chabashira-sensei entered the classroom today with a rare smirk on her face.

"A full attendance? You all seem confident today."

Today was a big day. It contained our first ever midterm exams, or rather, the exams that we intended to use to remove Ike and Yamauchi from our lives forever.

"Well, Sensei, my academic skills are actually pretty reliable when I feel like putting in any effort," Ike was overflowing with bravado. With enough time to memorize the questions, Ike had managed to dispel any fears he had surrounding the test. Many of our classmates reciprocated his feelings, although Ike's were completely misplaced.

The moment the exam commenced, everyone flipped over to the first page of questions, and a wave of excited murmurs rippled throughout the classroom. It evidently contained the same questions everyone had become familiar with.

I finished the exam as fast as possible, leaving plenty of time to observe our three targets as they were inevitably confronted with questions they hadn't prepared for.

Sudou was the first to stumble across a question he had never seen before. He glanced around the room, but couldn't find anyone facing the same predicament.

Since the failing grade of these exams are determined by the class average, the papers we shared to the rest of the class only acted as another unseen layer of pressure to anyone at risk of dropping out.

It didn't take long for Ike and Yamauchi to also run into difficulties, and they could only watch in despair as the clock on the wall steadily ticked towards their demise. They glanced in my direction multiple times, but they were surrounded by people confidently scribbling answers onto their sheets, leaving them to only blame themselves for their supposed lack of preparation.

"The exam is over. Please place your pens down."

"Woah, that exam was a breeze!"

"Thanks Ayanokouji!"

Three troubled souls sat quietly at their desks, displaying somber expressions that were completely out of place within the jovial atmosphere encapsulating the rest of the class.

Apart from Ike, Yamauchi and Sudou, everyone's safety from expulsion was all but guaranteed.


"I will now display the results. I must say, it is extremely rare for Class D to have such a high average across each of the topics."

The following day, it had finally come to the moment of truth. Chabashira-sensei pulled down the results, and the class let out a resounding cheer. There was no red line to be seen, and 7 rows of perfect scores could be seen dominating the spreadsheet.

"However." Chabashira-sensei pulled out a red marker.


"Sensei, is that-?"

She drew a line above three names.

"Not all of you made it. Ike, Yamauchi, Sudou, please see me at the staff faculty room after class."

After all the disruptions they had caused over the last two months, the trio didn't receive a single ounce of sympathy. As they desperately tried to make eye contact with anyone in a last-ditch effort to find salvation, the rest of the class averted their gaze.

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