Volume 2 Chapter 3 - Capturing the Cave

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Class B had mostly been dealt with, but the island exam was far from over. Miharu and I decided that, before nightfall, it would be sensible to check up on our classmates before proceeding with any further plans.

We returned to the tree grove at around midday, and found many things out of order. A girl from Class C named Ibuki had apparently been found outside the grove, and it was decided that she could stay within our camp.

Since Class C hadn't officially occupied any place on the island, my interest in their plan had risen exponentially. It's honestly a relief that we weren't the only class to take an aggressive approach in this exam.

Although the girl was obviously a spy, I didn't plan on mentioning anything. It wouldn't change anything if she witnessed me scan the device. In fact, it would only help. The only problems that could arise would be due to sabotage, such as what I had done to Class B an hour ago.

Since sabotage would only impact the rest of my class, I let them keep the spy as a concequence of their own actions.

Upon finding Hirata nearby, I beckoned him over to brief him on the current status of the exam.

"Hey, Hirata."

"Ah, Ayanokouji-kun. What a pleasant surprise to find you here."

He looked like a skeleton.

"How have things been around here?"

"Heheh..." he began to chuckle like a mad man. "It's not going too smoothly. Especially after we let Ibuki-san into our territory, nobody can agree on anything."

"I see. And it's up to you to break up any fights?"

He winced. Maybe he also deserves a night in the fishing shack for going to all this trouble.

"That's right. Kushida-san and I are constantly breaking up fights."

"I'm glad you're here. Without you, I don't know where the class-"

"Haah? Are you stupid?" Before I could properly praise him fore his efforts, I was interrupted by a sudden commotion, with Karuizawa and Yukimura at its center.

"Why is it always those two," he muttered before jogging over to diffuse the situation, with me following closely behind.

"What now." Hirata's voice was strained, which didn't go unnoticed by the others. They quickly backed down from the arguement.

"Uh, sorry Yousuke-kun. Don't worry about it."

"Yeah..." While Yukimura wasn't close to Hirata, he harbored a begrudging respect for him and didn't want to get on his bad side.

"Hirata," I address him once again.

"Oh, sorry Ayanokouji-kun. You wanted to say something, right?"

"Yeah. Class B is going to give us around three days worth of food, so don't pay for anything after tomorrow."


"Miharu and I made a deal with them. Their side of the deal was to lend 30 points worth of food to our class."

Yukimura looked at me with suspicion.

"And what was our side of the deal?"

"Don't worry, it won't affect us at all. Only Class A."

Now they appeared even more confused, but our conversation was cut short by the sound of yelling near the entrance of the grove.

"Another fight?" Hirata asked listlessly.

While he wasn't wrong, it wasn't something he would have to solve. I could see a group of boys I couldn't recognize taunting our classmates from the other side of the net.

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