Volume 2 Chapter 2 - The Downfall of Class B

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Conventionally, the first day of this island exam would probably only be used for classes to discuss the use of S points and find a place to set up. We hadn't seen any other classes making early moves, so it's safe to assume we have a considerable head start.

Class B had received the exam explanation before relocating to the part of the beach south-west of the center of the island. As a result of this, it was easy to predict their movements once in the forest. By claiming two spots near the south-most point of the island, they would inevitably be forced to move upwards into a clearing within the forest, where they would conveniently discover the first device that their leader could scan.

I hadn't originally planned on directing them into the clearing, but the presence of several types of artificially placed berries presented me with an opportunity almost too good to ignore.

Across the island, I had identified poisonous berries in many obscure locations. Although none of the berries were lethal, I was impressed by the lengths the school went abide by the term 'survival of the fittest.'

After helping Class D set up in the tree grove, the last thing I had planned for the day was to make sure Class B had entered the right area. Just outside the clearing, I nimbly climbed up one of the tallest trees, with any audible signs of my presence blending in with the chimes of birds and insects as I reached the tree canopy.

The sky shimmered with a brilliant golden hue, indicating that dusk was coming. By now, Class B would have begun their search for food.

Upon scouting the Class B camp, I took note of roughly 80 points worth of tents and other amenities in use. It seemed the class intended to earn class points by conservative spending and simply surviving the week; a naive strategy.

"Are you sure these are safe, Shibata-kun?"

As expected, a small group of Class B students soon wondered through the shrubbery underneath me, planning to collect any food in disposable bags.

"Remember, you can call me Sou. I'm pretty sure the school wouldn't allow poisonous berries to grow on this island."

"...I guess you're right. Let's just take these back to Honami-chan before it gets late," Shibata's classmate replied with uncertainty, but decided to prioritize on finishing the task at hand.

"Hell yeah!"

I couldn't help but feel pity for the innocent boy as he laughed among his classmates. He was soon to find out this island exam wasn't all peaches and cream.


While the rest of Class D were to sleep inside the tree grove, Miharu and I, who were naturally the extremely important leaders of the class, deserved a special place for our base of operations. Realistically, our only mandatory contact with the rest of the class would be during the morning roll call.

After collecting a total of 8 extra points from vacant machines scattered throughout the island, I returned to my new home for the week; the fishing shack, which had enough canned food for the two of us to survive for quite a while. Miharu had already cleaned it out and installed our trusty hammock during the day.

I rested on this hammock for a while, passing the time as Miharu finished off her business with Class A.

"Yo, I'm back," Miharu entered the cabin.

"That took longer than expected. Did something happen?"

"Technically, everything went perfectly. Just as we predicted, Katsuragi went straight to hiding in the cave. Sakayanagi wasn't lying when she said he's too conservative for his own good."

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