Volume 1 Chapter 3 - Conversations with Absolute Monkeys

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We explored Miharu's dorm room to see if it had any qualities that stood out, but ultimately we decided that my room was the one we would "hang out" in. My room is also more appropriate as a boy entering a girl's room seems to have more societal implications.

While Miharu went to the mall to inspect the school grounds and buy us daily necessities, I was busy scrolling through a variety of videos on my phone. The internet is such a strange place.

I scrolled from a video of a cute puppy playing in a bathtub to a horrific car accident to who knows what. Is this how people usually pass time in everyday life?

My phone began to emit a buzzing sound, and I picked up the call. There was only one person I had exchanged contacts with on my phone.

"Yo, Kiyo-kun."

"What is it?"

"Remember all those security cameras in the classroom?"


"Well, we are still pretty much living under white room surveillance. There are cameras almost everywhere outside," she spoke in a hushed tone, possibly trying to avoid anyone nearby to overhear her.

"I just wanted to call you about it even though we both probably guessed this would be the case. So calling like this is how we are gonna relay information in the future, huh?"

"We should investigate first whether or not messages and calls can be tracked by other students."

"Sure, sure. Oh! What if we also have a code word for any calls that might be overheard?"

"A code word?"

"Like, 'Kiyo-kun. Banana. You didn't get any points from me yesterday, right?"

I shook my head at her attempt of humour. There's no way she is going to be successful in making friends at this rate.

"That was quite unfunny. Still, that is a great idea."




"However, it did give me another idea. If we are using regular messages, we can encrypt anything important with anagrams."

Miharu started chuckling over the line.

"That sounds pretty schizo. Even the school might have a hard time following our conversations."

Before I could continue, the sound of someone calling her name came faintly from the background.

"Sorry, Kiyo-sensei. It looks like I'm gonna be having lunch with some of the girls today."


The second day of classes exhibited our classmates appalling behaviour. One of the boys with red hair is already sound asleep at his desk, like how do you have the attention span of shoe? It's not even the afternoon yet? Anyway, at this rate, I can't see us getting many points at the beginning of next month.

"Sorry for taking a while. You really didn't have time wait for us, you know?" Miharu says to Hirata at the beginning of lunchtime. She already organised for us to socialise with the masses.

"Oh, don't worry about it. It wasn't an inconvenience at all." He politely replied. A girl following behind him snorted, compromising his light-hearted statement.

"Well it was an inconvenience to me. Let's just not waste any more time." She started walking towards the cafeteria without sparing us a glance.

"Ah, sorry about her. She can be a bit blunt."

I don't really want to eat with some of these people, but there's no helping it.

We all took a seat in the cafeteria, which is of course shared with the other school years. Our table consisted of me, Miharu, Hirata, and Hirata's followers Karuizawa Kei, Maya Satou, Wang Mei-yu, and Matsushita Chiaki.

The conversation inevitably shifted to the state of my relationship with Miharu, which everyone seemed to see as very important topic. While Hirata was a good guy, the only person I really took note of was Matsushita Chiaki.


After lunch, there was an announcement for a student club fair happening at 5 PM. Miharu and I agreed to go check it out.

"Hey, you're Ayanokouji, right?" After school ended, a boy named Ike approached me with two other boys behind him.

"Are you gonna try out a club?"

Before I could answer, a boy named Yamauchi interrupted.

"Wait, Ike, you can't seriously be thinking of inviting this guy?"

Both of the boys were memorable for the spectacle they made during the introductions. Ike immediately whipped around at lightning speed, bringing Yamauchi and the other boy named Sudou in for a group huddle. Whatever they were whispering about must be pretty important.

"Sure, I'll go with you guys. Is it ok if Miharu comes with us?" I said, prompting Ike to spin around once again with a brilliant smile.

"Oh, that's fine, thats fine! Of course you can both come with us!" Most of the people who could hear the conversation shook their head.


"So, Hasegawa-chan, are you thinking of joining a club? Do you like sports? You look like your good at them!" He said, staring at her body. He will be a lucky man to survive until tomorrow.

"To answer your questions, yes, I enjoy sports. I'm thinking of joining the same club as Kiyotaka." She said, signalling to me that she wanted to escape.

Ike frowned a bit from that answer, but didn't stop chatting with her. In fact, they followed us all the way from the classroom to the dorms. They even got off on the same floor as us.

"Sorry guys, but something has come up. We can't go to the fair anymore," Miharu said curtly.

"What? But-"

"Shut the fuck up!"

We quickly entered room 401 to escape interacting with Ike any longer.

"That sounded like a very painful experience for you to endure."

"Uh huh. The white room's most gruelling training never could've prepared me for a conversations with him."

"Next time he says anything stupid you can maybe knock him out," I suggested. Instead of replying, Miharu appeared to get lost in her thoughts, humming and nodding. Ike will have to be very careful in the future if he wants to survive.


I've decided short chapters will be pretty normal for volumes 1 and 2, just so I can quickly get to the good part.

In the original Someone Specual, Kiyo's friend group was very similar to the Ayanokouji group, but this time it should have a pretty unique variety.

June 13 2024

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